Caribou Gear

Songdawgs: questions for the experts


New member
Jan 14, 2011
My seven year old got a new predator call for Christmas. (along with about 6 other calls = the kid is getting dam good with a mouth reed in 2 days :)

Today we gave it a go --- it's perfect weather = 5 degrees, no wind, snow.
We see a dog at 500 yards and I told him to give it a blow!
He did, and the dam dog ran away, with a couple juvi's (this year's litter) in tow.
#1 - Would a howl have worked better in this situation?
#2 - Do you shoot the small ones?
I would think it probably had already seen you. And sometimes they just do that anyway. This years juvis? I didnt think they had hatched yet, thought they were just pairing up now.
There may be a good chance that if you saw him at 500 yards that he saw you too. It could have also been that since he didn't see what was making that sound that it figured something was up and took his buddies with him. A howl does work especially where coyotes are familiar with rabbit calls. Mostly I use the howls as a locator but I have the Primos Alpha Dogg that has some nice mixes of calls that work very well. You'll see some of the top guys like Randy Anderson use howls nearly exclusively.

Yes I shoot small coyotes. The standing order one ranch that I hunt is shoot all coyotes.
Thanks nvhunter, and good to know! It was awesome none the less. Imagine she did see us. You are correct, they were not hatched. I assumed it was a female with her kids, not pups but not mature either.
Apprecite the feedback Mthuntr!, and thanks for the tip! Should have just touched off, and dropped it, but hoped to bring it in close for the kido! He would have been happier :) I look forward to sharing some pics of our 1st very soon.
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