Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Some before and after pics

Human Tampon? :( Now I don't feel so bad about taking you to all the shitty places, then waiting until after you left to go somewhere that some elk were dying to be shot. :D You belong on Deckard Flats. You also belong with those hot babes at the Blue Goose. hump

What kind of homo takes pictures of snow when elk hunting?

Here's a picture taken before Schmalts even made it home.


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some guys don't know a complement when they read it. Hell, i would be proud to be called a human tampon. Anyone who spends that much time in a vagina deserves such recognition:D
Looks like you went back down to deckard flats and hired some cowboys to herd up a little bull for you.:rolleyes:
and BTW, my wife liked the picture of the snow, but she had a hard time figuring out what you were doing to that gopher hole

Come to think of it, you were the ugliest hunting companion of the week. Yes, I cowboyed up I guess. It was the 20 year old virgin with the action in the backtion who guided that one. Elk season was tough on my liver this year. Want some ketchup on your hotdog? haha.
Come to think of it, you were the ugliest hunting companion of the week. Yes, I cowboyed up I guess. It was the 20 year old virgin with the action in the backtion who guided that one. Elk season was tough on my liver this year. Want some ketchup on your hotdog? haha.

that is sick, who would do a 20 year old, much less one on the rag. At least i didnt try to put my finder in your azz like you other hunting partner did
Come to think of it, you were the ugliest hunting companion of the week. Elk season was tough on my liver this year. .

what?? i thought that was normal elk hunting. In fact it was a lot like deer hunting in WI. So, three trucks parked on a hilltop, with 3 dudes, one 17 year old jailbait hottie with an anus fetish, and all of us cracking open half frozen beers at noon looking through spotting scopes is unusual elk hunting activity?:confused:
I shit you not, i stepped on the scale today and this will be the first ever hunting trip that i actually gained a couple pounds
Schmalts, first that's not a gopher hole. It's a cougar's den. Second, it was 3 in the afternoon, and you're off by about a decade on the girl's age. Was that a sweet elk glassing knob or what?

Taking pictures of snow... what a fruitcake.
Dude, YOU gotta tell the Deckard Flats story. Only because you have to explain just why you did it TWICE - which is even more gay than taking pictures of snow.
Now I remember why I like Hunting With Greeny..... But my liver reminds me why I don't like hunting with Greeny ;)

Less talk of Schmalts, more pictures of the Boobies !!

Where isd that PHAG LILLY this year ?
Dude, YOU gotta tell the Deckard Flats story. Only because you have to explain just why you did it TWICE - which is even more gay than taking pictures of snow.

Way to go, let everyone know your secret spot. Don't blame me if that place if full of hunters next year.

I can't help it if I am like a Japanese tourist.

Moosie, it isnt more pictures of her boobies you want to see, it's her azz! I think when she laid over the center councel area of the truck to look through the spotter she knew what she was doing to me.

Kurt, why was there a funny smell coming from that bear rug in your den?? Are you sure she didnt wipe her finger on the rug?
Tell the story.. and lay off the gross stuff. I looked up PIG in the dictionary and there was a stupid looking picture of you in there. My ass doesn't smell funny - just ask my 3 year old. I farted in the truck yesterday while taking her to preschool - it was bad enough to make her cry. :D It's no laughing matter.
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