Snapping turtles


New member
Jul 8, 2002
Every once in a while we take my daughter and her freinds who have never fished out to this place that is loaded with little bluegills. One of those places where you can catch 200 fish and have 5 that are big enough to eat.
Anyway it has snapping turtles too. One guy said he caught one that weighed 30 pounds on a chunk of hotdog. I planned on using a rod with 20 pound test and a steel leader but what about hook types and size and bait????

Now if I catch one 2 things will happen. I'll either eat it(if I can figure out how to clean it) or if its big take it to the taxidermist. I think it would look pretty cool(I'm weird). So if you could tell me how to clean it that would help too
Last spring while catfishing at Pleasant I managed to catch a 30lb softshell turtle off chicken liver. Surprised the hell out of me. Not much of a fight. felt like I was reeling in a cynder block. I did not know until then that a turtle could hiss.
Like TF I've caught a few soft shell turtles around here (mostly at pleasant) and always on a live nightcrawler. Use a hook thats alittle too big for a bluegill and cover it with a nightcrawler.
I have no idea how to clean one but I'm sure someone will.
I brought a 2 pound snapper home a few weeks ago for my daughter too keep in the back yard. His food of choice is worms.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-10-2002 15:20: Message edited by: 2fastnaz ]</font>
I too have caught snappers out of the city lakes.
Use a very strong hook!!! Number 2 or 4 long shank.
any type of bait should get them, I used powerbait when fishing for gay bass and hooked them.
meat works the best though, if its live the better. So stick with worms and you catch catfish also.
Remember to take some pics
I can't believe all you city boy catch "cooters" you wade upstream in a "crick", reach up under the bank and yank them critters right out of there den and throw them in a "croaker sack". When your sack is almost too heavy to carry, you tote it home, crack open them sheels and fry cooter just like you would fried chicken, 'cepting they taste three times better than chicken. If you want to keep one for display, the best way is to have it freeze dried.....lasts forever and looks more life, carry on your discussion! :rolleyes:
Cali Hunter.
Yes i was using hot pink bait. A picture of you in a pink thong :eek: No wonder I caught sooo many ;)

It seems those gay bass love a liberal, free thinking, politically correct, tree hugging person in a pink thong.

The sanppers around here are too big to reach for them under a bank? What's a river bank, we dont have rivers that contain water here:(

The snapper I caught were 20-30 pounds each and would take off your finger/hand if you weren't carefull. They bit through some #6 hooks b4 I went to something stronger.
If your that brave send in a video of yourself pulling these critters out from a bank and then I'll believe it ;)
Hey Mtnman it's true I saw my coona$$ cousins catch them that way in Oklahoma. But then these are the same guys that float around in little boats looking for cotton mouths to snare.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-10-2002 15:18: Message edited by: 2fastnaz ]</font>
Mtnman, with the monsoons down there, you should be able to find lots of good rivers. Maybe Del can help you find some great new fishing holes in these rivers. :D

You went for gay bass? :eek: :D
Why doesn't that suprise me :D

What a bunch of woosies, here Whitdeer tells you how to do it and all you can say is No way. I am a big ass chicken :rolleyes: They might hurt me. And you wonder why we call you guys woosies.
These guy's have a problem getting out of the local watering hole. So this is some thing that is way to dangoures for our girly boy's..... :D :D :D
Way to dangerous, NAW!
Try making love to your wife and accidently calling her by your girlfriends name, now thats dangerous :( :(

Does the name Lorena Bobbit ring any bells???

I could just hear Elkchsr while he's with his woman, OHHHH elkhunter more, wait I mean ......... ;)

We might not be the mighty cooters snatchers that Whitedeer is, however, we don't have sheep as playmates like the Elkyboys :D
Mtnman, I do give you credit for at least trying to stick up for yourself, unlike the rest of the Fisherwoosies or Da FAGs. Want to borrow some of our sheep? :D
Now, in order to further you city boys education, the best way to service your sheep is to put it's front feet on the edge of the nearest irrigation ditch, which will cause the sheep to keep backing back into you......for you fellas that have been married for a long time, you may have forgotten what all this movement is all about, but it will eventually come back to you. ;)
HAHAHA!!!Whitedeer...That is one of the reasons I run out to the coast in the winter to the area that Kraven resides...The ranchers have asked that I leave their sheep alone at that time, so as to keep a little fat on them for the winter...
I know why Da F.A.G. boy's like to fish so much...When they catch one, they chop off the head and service the thing...HAHAHA!!!!Must feel like the real boy's back in the city...LOL...

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