Caribou Gear Tarp

Smoked stock ...


New member
Aug 1, 2010
North Texas
I just recently acquired a .308 with a wood stock for use as a truck gun. However, the previous owner was apparently a smoker because the stock smells of cigarettes. Any ideas on how to remove the smell, short of leaving it outdoors to air out. All help is greatly appreciated.
Febreeze is pretty darn amazing. On a related note "Dead Downwind" smells almost like Febreeze when I have tried it:)
50 50 mix of white vinegar and water wiped over it should remover the smell. It's what they use to remove some smoke damage
I'd try the vinegar idea but make sure to get the ph neutralized when your done as to not damage any metal parts.
Being a truck gun, I'd find a cheap plastic take-off stock and be done with it. Especially if it happens to be a model 700 as those stocks are ubiquitous and dirt cheap. I've never had luck with the stink going away from just airing out.