NEW SITKA Ambient 75

smile for the camera


Protector of Innocent Idiots
Dec 30, 2000
nice 9-10 pointer on the trail camera.....he's a pig!
tried to inhance the picture but all i can make out is 9 points...tall tines and i believe to be wide.

things are looking good!


another buck:
Are those soybeans they're feeding in? Sure was good of the farmer to accidentally spill some of that corn right where you have your camera!
yes, soybean.
and that was quite a co-inky-dink that the farmer spilled that corn. :D
he's pretty sloppy, he will probably spill more i bet!
Deer will mop up on soybeans until they turn to start drying down. Around home they will move into the standing corn and be alot more elusive when that happens.
smalls, thats pretty much the same here except normally the corn is down before the beans dry up. my plan for early bow season is to hunt trails coming from beding areas that lead to this field.
and who knows, with any luck, i may just have a repeat:

if you'll notice the tree line in the distance, thats the same spot where this paticular camera is set up.
Big bodied & tall tines. Even from that perspective the width looks pretty good to me.
Hey JB Looks pretty good! Still meaning to give you a call maybe Monday? have had family visiting since we got back from NC but all clear now and kids back to school. Talk soon
thats a great buck jb. generally the corn doesn't come off for several weeks after the beans are off. soybean harvest in Nodak is just getting started. with as dry as we've been corn harvest probably won't be far behind. it amazes me though how many times I've sat on trails close to feeding areas like that soybean field only to watch 10+ deer stand up in the middle of the field out of nowhere.

I saw my first hardhorned buck here in Montana last tuesday, a spindly but wide 4 point whitey. Anything shedding the fur back east yet?
Anything shedding the fur back east yet?

maybe the big boys.
i have several cam's out so i should get some pics with the fur dangling....should be any day now they will start to shreadin.