Sight upgrade.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2017
My current bow sight is 15 years old and the pins aren't as bright as they should be. Its a 3-pin fixed. I'm kinda thinking of going to a single pin slider or 3 pin slider. Only problem is I'm not liking the idea of a single pin slider for elk, specifically for shots at bulls called in. The range can vary, can't move to change sight, etc. Sometimes the target spooks off 10, 20 yards, you know what I mean. Any advice?
I just ordered a black gold Mountain Light three pin slider. I was a down to that or a viper driver Q4. In the end I went with the black gold because of the dual indicators
I love my 3 pin slider, abandoned the single pin slider after I had an animal move 10 yards at full draw before I got a shot
I have a black gold 5 pin slider. I ordered it from s&s archery. You can call and talk things over with them,they are great and will help you figure things out.
I use a apex gear 4 pin slider and really like it. I’ve also owned the montana black gold and they are top notch. I got the apex this time because it was half the cost.
I shoot a single pin slider. When hunting I set my sight at 30. From 0-30 yards my arrows hit close enough to a non factor. And when set on 30 I can easily keep it in the killzone out to 40. With practice a person can become very proficient with a single pin at hunting distances without moving the pin.

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