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SE Montana


Active member
Sep 15, 2016
I am very strongly considering heading to SE Montana, region 7 this fall. Its my understanding that its been 100% draw for general deer tags the last few years, but i recently read somewhere that the deer combination was more difficult to draw than the more expensive elk/deer combo? I don't have as much interest in hunting elk or paying that much for the tag. Ive looked at the draw odds on the Montana Game and Fish website, but left pretty confused. can anyone shed some light on this? Also, if anyone has any other info on this area I would appreciate it. Not looking for GPS coordinates, just general areas to start. Thanks
The draw odds have been 100% for the deer combo tags. There has been some left over tags but they have been selling out much quicker than in recent years. You could also put in for the combo tag and the 799 ether sex elk tag and turn the elk portion of the tag back if you do not draw the 799 permit. The draw odds are single digit at best for nonresident. If you do draw the permit you have a better than most chance at a big bull. I am not sure of the money ramifications of turning back the elk tag are but FWP likely gets a cut

If you are looking for a nice 130 to 150 inch four point it is hard to go wrong in region 7. If you are looking for a 180+ you are dreaming. Not saying it can't happen but those kind of deer are very few and far between now days.
The good news is that the deer are on the rebound from the bad winter of a few years ago. The bad news is that this is not shaping up to be an easy winter. We have more snow now than I have seen in 20 years and the temps have been ugly the last three weeks. Most days are below 0 and several have been -30+. If this winter continues on the current path the deer recovery will end this spring.
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A few thoughts from me on SE MT hunting:

1. Randy, you are a jerk. I believe you owe all of us a beer for letting this one out.
2. Many BMA are written permission, with limited access. Make sure you get the book when it comes out on Aug 15 and starting talking to the ranchers early.
3. Don't forget your OTC doe tag. tasty treat to take home.
4. Most of the hotels are already booked for next year (we have a standing rsvp). So if you don't plan on pulling a camper or pitching a tent, get booked now.
5. Talk with the biologist. They are good guys, and they already have their spots so they will send you in a good direction.
6. Play the license plate game. It seems like there are a ton of out of staters over there.
The bad news is that this is not shaping up to be an easy winter. We have more snow now than I have seen in 20 years and the temps have been ugly the last three weeks. Most days are below 0 and several have been -30+. If this winter continues on the current path the deer recovery will end this spring.

I listened to Fin's deer hunting podcast the other day that he recorded around Thanksgiving, and winced when he mentioned how we were heading into our fifth easy winter in a row. I worry he jinxed us.

This is by far the most snow and cold we've had across Montana since 2011, and the deer have a long way to go until April.
It's the really late winter/early spring storms and ice that killed them last time. Hopefully we warm up soon and get a mild end to the winter.

I'd take that doe tag and toss it in the trash but that's just me. Whitetail doe -> sure. Mule deer doe -> pass in region 7.
While region 7 is recovering it's far from the good old days and I agree Randy may have jinxed it.
By the license state game, I think he means just notice how many out-of-state rigs are running around during hunting season. This past season between my hotel door and truck there were 8 pickups, all out-of-state and 7 from Washington. Damn Washington guys just won't stay home to hunt (myself included, but of course I'm not part of the problem).
By the license state game, I think he means just notice how many out-of-state rigs are running around during hunting season. This past season between my hotel door and truck there were 8 pickups, all out-of-state and 7 from Washington. Damn Washington guys just won't stay home to hunt (myself included, but of course I'm not part of the problem).

I've always wondered why I see so many guys from Washington. I don't know much about WA hunting (mainly because it's damn tough to draw as a NR so it's not one of the states I research and put in for) but is it really tough for a resident to draw? Not very good hunting? Why drive through ID all the way to hunt Eastern MT? Not you specifically fishing4sanity, but just in general from what you know? ID has some incredible hunting. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame them for wanting to hunt Eastern MT as it is a special place but it's kind of strange to drive through a place like Idaho which is just as great.
I never figured that out either, but I know lots of guys from Washington that hunt out there. Washington is basically OTC for deer and elk with some draw hunts that are tough to get. Washington does a sh*tty job of managing their big game herds if you can call unlimited OTC tags in a pretty heavily populated state managing. There's some pretty good whitetail hunting in Washington and some decent elk hunting but not like Montana.

The terrain is generally easier than Idaho which is my guess as to why you see more Washington hunters there plus the seasons are long unlike the OTC mule deer tags in Washington which are about a week.

I recall seeing a lot of Minnesota plates out there too
I never figured that out either, but I know lots of guys from Washington that hunt out there. Washington is basically OTC for deer and elk with some draw hunts that are tough to get. Washington does a sh*tty job of managing their big game herds if you can call unlimited OTC tags in a pretty heavily populated state managing. There's some pretty good whitetail hunting in Washington and some decent elk hunting but not like Montana.

The terrain is generally easier than Idaho which is my guess as to why you see more Washington hunters there plus the seasons are long unlike the OTC mule deer tags in Washington which are about a week.

I recall seeing a lot of Minnesota plates out there too

I have buddies that head over there and seems they like the long season so can have some flexibility to go a bit sooner or later than planned as apply for tags. Also, the combo is a nice Plan B if need to pick up another hunt after all the other states out West have posted results.
"1. Randy, you are a jerk. I believe you owe all of us a beer for letting this one out." This is funny! While on my way home from a SE MT hunt one weekend in Novemeber, I was listening to Randy's podcast and he was talking about heading to the same general area to hunt deer the following week. He was rambling on about how great the deer hunting was there and I myself just leaving was thinking it was terrible this year. Wouldn't you know it though, Randy and his guest still managed to bag some nice deer. It seems like they had planned to hunt on private property though? I don't think I ever saw whether they did or not?

A combination of mild winters and very few mule deer doe tags the last couple of years has helped the deer population come back some, but this year they re-opened the mule deer doe tags and we are having a tougher winter to date. So you will find deer on public land, but not gobs of deer... Of course, the amount of deer you see is relative to what you are accustomed to normally seeing.

I've always wondered the same about why Washington hunters too?
From my understanding, there was a coal mine that shut down in Washington and a lot of the workers ended up at the mine in Colstrip. Now a lot of their friends come out to hunt. I have a friend in Colstrip and he said his neighbors have people from WA staying at their house for almost the entire hunting season.
From my understanding, there was a coal mine that shut down in Washington and a lot of the workers ended up at the mine in Colstrip. Now a lot of their friends come out to hunt. I have a friend in Colstrip and he said his neighbors have people from WA staying at their house for almost the entire hunting season.

So.... What I am hearing is that we can blame Obama for this too?
I've always wondered why I see so many guys from Washington. I don't know much about WA hunting (mainly because it's damn tough to draw as a NR so it's not one of the states I research and put in for) but is it really tough for a resident to draw? Not very good hunting? Why drive through ID all the way to hunt Eastern MT? Not you specifically fishing4sanity, but just in general from what you know? ID has some incredible hunting. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame them for wanting to hunt Eastern MT as it is a special place but it's kind of strange to drive through a place like Idaho which is just as great.
Blake, I'm sure many guys from Washington are hunting Montana just because it's a chance to hunt again, in addition to hunting here. There are some very good deer here, like any western state, but over all the pressure is high and once a mule deer reaches 3 point stage he will most likely get shot. The seasons are very short and crowded. Elk hunting in eastern Washington is mainly limited to spike only, tough and slow to draw a branched-antler bull tag. As to Montana elk ..... well, I just seem to like to donate money to the state and go for hikes carrying a rifle.:confused: I've been going to Montana for decades to buy seed potatoes and cattle and hunt, as a result I really just like the state. I farm and Washington's hunting seasons and harvest just don't go together. I have a pretty limited time-frame to hunt and habit along with timing just put me in Montana more than anywhere else. As to Idaho, I have hunted it a little, but not enough and I'm guessing they complain about out-of-staters too. If I ever get the chance I'd love to put a Montana, Wyoming or Idaho plate on my pickup. Does retirement really exist?
SE Montana is terrible hunting dont waste your time as a matter of fact Mt is terrible period . Best to hunt some other state :)

Or maybe I just dont wanna share lol
I spent about 7 days hunting SE MT this fall. Granted I was elk hunting but I sure expected to see more deer than I did. Pretty sparse where I was. I did see a lot of dead does in pickups and on trailers.

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