Caribou Gear Tarp

SE Idaho Land for SALE !!!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So my dad is wanting to part with 5 Acres in SE Idaho (Soda Springs, Idaho). HYe is going to be moving up to this area to be around his Grand kids. Just doing a Frivilouse Plug for him. If anyone is interested in it let me know.


5 Acres, $130,000 1456Ft2 house,

here is a link from the Realestate place :
Thats a great deal. I have a 3 bedroom Cape Cod on a 1/2 Acre, in town, NO GARAGE, Lousy neighbors. Just appraised at $310.000 Property taxes $3800 a year, and I have to pay sewer and water. Front porch needs replaced and I have to spend $550 for a variance because when they wrote the new zoning laws they made the set backs 10 ft farther back. I want to move to Idaho, do they need a bus driver????
I'm guessing they could use a bus driver, we do have a School here .. or two :)

Ithica, Aren't all your friends from Cali ? Ask one for me .. ;)

Whiskers, Sell your place, buy my dads, Retire or the remainer of your money and be living in some Great fishing and Huntig area :)

Tell me about it for price difference though, for 1 Acre piece in My area now you're dumping 100-135 thousand dollars... just for the Land. DANG it all !!! That area there isn't much work like here so it's a Demand and being able to make money living there type thing.

I did just pick up an Acre in Lowman though.... Going up tomorrow to go look at it to see if it's Buildable .. HAHA !!
Sell houses ...Buy gold... then when houses drop in price buy land/houses... making money is addicting. :)

I agree that sounds like a good deal? [ investment?]
Marv...gladly give up them two ole hags. If they looked like the pic in th adult forum I would consider becoming a lesbian...i think I am.
cjcj..... Here's the deal, It's rented out right now to someone that is building next door. My dad let them rent dirt cheap but they make sure the house stays in Great shape and no waterlines bust in the winter, etc.

Making money is addicting. I'm playing that game right now. Not very well.... but I'm playing ;)

cjcj don't you need an Idaho hunting cabin ? 130k to you is like $5 to people like us :D
crap I'm short $330,000 or I might look into--is he going to hold the paper on it or does he want the dough to run and play--chris
If the Price is only 130k how are you short 330k ? Are you counting the 200k you still owe on your house ? ;)

We could hold the papers for the right deal........
cjcj don't you need an Idaho hunting cabin ? 130k to you is like $5 to people like us

I wish that were the case Mr. Moose.... however our cash it always "tied" up to something......We made an offer to a guy for 10 acres near the I-10 freeway.....he wants 1 million... way over priced... we will wait until it comes down..[750k] or someone else can have it ... in the meantime Gold is going good... I must remind you i still live on a "fixed" income... and I`m heading for Vegas next week [could be trouble?]
moosie--just a play on words that I'm short on funds or maybe beyond short--still it's an interesting option to think about--what's his time frame for selling??....chris
I just reread the realtors description--main floor master bedroom--well am I missing something as all I see is one floor--states no basement--and the laundry is on the main floor also---geesh moosie what gives is there a secret compartment that raises up for the other bedroom and the rest of the house or sinks into the crawl space with the push of a button---just making light of how people(some realtors) try to over-describe stuff ---too funny--still I like it--what's the buildings you see out the back yard??----chris
Everything is on the one floor. Garage, main floor, Chitter, main floor, Kitchen... Also the main floor :) laundry, Bedrooms, and bedrooms closets... also main floor :D

YAH, a little over done, Nothing fancy , Just some Walls, a garage .. . and no building in the backyard ?!?!?! There is an Open Hill back there, I think it's BLM, It's in Sage I think. On the Right side there is a Shed. I think the people renting it, and they have been for a few years, built a Horse run and there is also an Inclosed dog house in the back with it's own door into it's own little house. My dad bought a dog and Had it trained and SPOILED it to death. It's place was better then my first bedroom I used to live in.. GOSH !!

His time frame is pretty soon. If you were interested and did some Ernest money, (realistically not even much, but don't tell him I told you ;) ) he'd probably let you wait a bit. We could work something up. I know he needs 1/2 and would finance the rest, but I'm not sure if thats what you had in mind..... Whats your time frame ?!?

I thought everyone from California had a few Million on the Side to buy houses... at least "here" they do. I read in the paper the other day..... and I chit you not, it said "Investors from California are coming in by the Buss loads".. HAHA You guys are coming over by the Busloads !!! I wasn't aware....... of the Few Multi Millionairs I've met recently for Investing, are either Flying in with their own personal Jet or chartering a Plane for a day. This one guy flew in 2 months ago, Bought an Outlet mall and Flew out that day.. HAHA, I couldn't imagine some of these guys on a yellow buss talking about their millions and sipping tea .. ;) ( I wish I was selling the stuff to them, I jsut hear about it.. :( )

All that being said, If you need to know anything or are interested, lemme know. If anyone else is interested or knows someone that is interested, HAve them get ahold of me. (Yah, I'll pay you a finders fee :D)

MAybe I'll put it on Ebay..... :D
well I spent my millions--er 2 bucks at some fine establishment in Nampa last year--you remember the one--the one you said "DON'T GO IN HERE" as you entered waving Brian, Max and myself in---as we were saying "NO MOOSIE NO"---

in short I'm short and I don't have much moolah either, so this would rule out your POP carrying--but that's ok--I was just asking--I still like it, but really I don't know what I'd do with it, cuz my blonde ain't gonna move from here unless there's a friggin shopping mall in her back yard--so makes it a little tuff--but who knows--I'll let you know if I get real serious---chris
Man, everyone should be jumping on the opportunity to move to Soda Springs. Heck, they have an Arctic Circle and even a Maverik I think! :D The coolest thing to do in Soda is watch the slag trucks pour the waste at the Monsanto plant there north of town. My wife's grandparents just sold their house/land in Soda Springs so there is hope for your Dad to sell his place Moosie and theirs was a dump too :) !