
Scouting tomorrow


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
Dani and I will be taking off after My sons b-day party to got scout for her antelope( She is going forsure so I am signing the tag over to her monday ) and my bull.

Were going to stop off an visit with az402, they gotten some big bulls out of there camp the last 2 weeks( I will see if I can get some pictures)

I will bring the digital and my 35 mm with the 1000 mm mirror lens to see if I can get pics as nice as the ones you guys have been taken.

Daughter is actually pretty excited.
we are going to shoot some yotes as well.
I fnally got my truck all done and registered(its only been almost 2 years ;)

Then wednesday I am leaving for the hunt (starts oct1-oct6) my dad is going to drive my daughter up on oct1(only cause she has a highschool play that she is in) she told me not to shoot anything till she gets there( like i am going to wait ). I am hoping she can get out of the play but we will have to wait and see. cause if she can she will go up on wednesday also.

Last time we hunted together was an archery deer hunt, we went out for 5 or 6 days, we finally goto the north rim on the third day( its only a 7-9 hour drive) and didnt start hunting till the last day.
we stopped at every indian ruin along the way went to lee's ferry and played around there then explored some of the trails going down to the bottom of the grand canyon.

She says she would like to get both animals friday
then check out the sites and get some pictures of elk deer and anterlope, She wants a big lope and wants me to get a big elk, she says she wont shoot anything smaller than what I all ready have on the wall, but I am betting she will take the first one she see's.
She's going to be shooting her 6mm in ruger #1 that her grandfather got her when she passed the game and fish class. for back up I will have my 243's with a 12x on 1 and a 24x on the other.

we might hit the south rim of the canyon this time. She also said she doesnt want to come back till the hunt is over 6th.
for me I am tickled that she will still hunt with me , she stopped fishing but maybe she will start it back up again now.

see ya all sunday night and maybe with some pics.

Have a good time Del....and good luck to you and your daughter....we'll wait to see the pics.....take a bunch ;)

Good luck and have fun with your daughters hunt.
Also, I wish you the best on your elk hunt. You have the ultimate permit for a monster bull, so go out and kill yourself a HUGE one! :D