SB 298 - Crossbow bill rears its ugly head

We have zero to complain about until "Archery" stops allowing pulleys, cables, extreme let offs , carbon fiber arrows, fiber optic and peep sights, electronic laser range finders,..etc,etc,ect...
We are total embarrassment to bow hunting and archery!.... There is no traditional bow hunting season left in Montana so it's my belief we should join forces and stop bickering with each other. At their core they're all bow, arrow, and string.

Crossbow legality will mean absolutely nothing,...have any of you ever tried to lug one of these 9 lb+ monsters around all day and then load it in time to shoot something that doesn't want to be shot.

Matthews or Excalibur... one's vertical, one's horizontal...they're exactly the same! And animals will jump the string at 100 yards more often with a crossbow than with a vert bow. So don't parrot that it is like shooting a rifle...most of you probably never even shot a crossbow.
Look at Wyoming, they're almost out of elk right?? that's the Wolves not the crossbow. Jeez?
Holy crap you’re a little late to this one but glad to see you and Molnar are on the same page. You ever get caught drawing with a crossbow? That’s the big difference. Not the technology. By the way I hope you’re not shooting a 100 yards with either technology. But you said it like you got experience so my recommendation is stick with a rifle if you want to shoot that far
We have zero to complain about until "Archery" stops allowing pulleys, cables, extreme let offs , carbon fiber arrows, fiber optic and peep sights, electronic laser range finders,..etc,etc,ect...
We are total embarrassment to bow hunting and archery!.... There is no traditional bow hunting season left in Montana so it's my belief we should join forces and stop bickering with each other. At their core they're all bow, arrow, and string.

Crossbow legality will mean absolutely nothing,...have any of you ever tried to lug one of these 9 lb+ monsters around all day and then load it in time to shoot something that doesn't want to be shot.

Matthews or Excalibur... one's vertical, one's horizontal...they're exactly the same! And animals will jump the string at 100 yards more often with a crossbow than with a vert bow. So don't parrot that it is like shooting a rifle...most of you probably never even shot a crossbow.
Look at Wyoming, they're almost out of elk right?? that's the Wolves not the crossbow. Jeez?
A: that mentality of a compound bow isn’t bow hunting has done more to hurt the sport than most people realize. I know quite a few guys that quit donating to mbha because of that.

B: Wyoming is an entire different draw system than Montana. Unless you guys wanna start drawing by unit and shorten up the seasons it’s no where near the same comparison.

3: It seems the major issue with this with to a lot of people is a single guys pushing it rather than a conservation group. A single guy that one of these groups literally bought a brand new Mathews with all the stuff on it for. Since he doesn’t wanna seem to use it maybe he should donate that set up to a vet
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Posted an hour ago, this person pretty much represents exactly what I see being wrong with crossbows in particular, but lots of other gear as well.

I have an Excalibur and a Barnett Raptor Pro. Both with Vortex scopes. They definitely remove the unending need to practice like I did with the compound, which was why I bought the first one to begin with. A few hours reacquainting myself with a target and I feel fully confident for the two days a season I'll hunt them.
What is the problem with being able to pick something back up a few hours and being proficient to accurately hit and kill an animal? Back before a whole van of kids all I did was shoot my bow and fish till bow season opened. Now I don't have the ability to practice and be proficient like I was and easier to use cross bow. Less movement in stand ect but with a crossbow with 17 inch limbs uncocked effective range is very close to a compound. A few problems this bill has somethings that on the backside will create problems and this would be better done by stakeholders getting together and putting a bill together. If the problem of how lethal a crossbow is than limits on season length ie only last week of archery and or what equipment can be used (limb lenth) are appropriate discussions. How much harvest that is desired should be set by biologists and game departments for seasons with the different methods. From what I gather from this site elk go to private and say because of the sustained intense pressure and it seems like a race to kill the last Buffalo with everyone and there special interests (their elk tag) and so politicians start getting involved and legislating where commissions and experts need to be working. Crossbows are not the problem it is the total management of the resource or lack there of.
What is the problem with being able to pick something back up a few hours and being proficient to accurately hit and kill an animal? Back before a whole van of kids all I did was shoot my bow and fish till bow season opened. Now I don't have the ability to practice and be proficient like I was and easier to use cross bow. Less movement in stand ect but with a crossbow with 17 inch limbs uncocked effective range is very close to a compound. A few problems this bill has somethings that on the backside will create problems and this would be better done by stakeholders getting together and putting a bill together. If the problem of how lethal a crossbow is than limits on season length ie only last week of archery and or what equipment can be used (limb lenth) are appropriate discussions. How much harvest that is desired should be set by biologists and game departments for seasons with the different methods. From what I gather from this site elk go to private and say because of the sustained intense pressure and it seems like a race to kill the last Buffalo with everyone and there special interests (their elk tag) and so politicians start getting involved and legislating where commissions and experts need to be working. Crossbows are not the problem it is the total management of the resource or lack there of.
Personally, I think the issue with allowing crossbows for anyone (versus the young, old, and disabled) is the historical intent behind having any sort of primitive weapon season. It's my understanding that archery seasons were created to provide hunters with more opportunity to hunt with the tradeoff being they must use a less efficient weapon.

Using east as an example many states may only have a weeklong firearms season but an archery season up to four months long. Despite the difference in season length, firearms season still results in the majority of the deer harvest (that trend has been changing though due to technology creep and increased participation in archery season along with reduced participation in firearms season). Thus, archery season is not necessarily even a management tool, but rather a way to allow those willing to accept the challenge of using a more primitive weapon a way to deer hunt more than a week a year. I'd also argue that part of that challenge is finding time to become proficient with that weapon.

You say that crossbows are not the problem in regards to poor management of the resource but if hunter success increases with crossbows at some point tag numbers must be reduced to account for increased success rates. Tag allocation will rarely equal the number of animals biologists want killed but rather the number of tags multiplied by the the typical success rate. In many places if every hunter filled their tag there would be no animals left.

Some people might be fine hunting less often if they are allowed to use a crossbow but I'd rather hunt more often with a more primitive/challenging weapon (and would accept increased restrictions on archery equipment also). I don't even think allowing crossbows would change that much but the line has to be drawn somewhere and once crossbows are allowed air bows will probably be the next fight.

I definitely agree with you that the effect of hunting pressure on wildlife and hunt quality must also be considered in tag allocation, especially in Montana where wildlife can be easily pushed to private land sanctuaries.
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Right but with the super majority why would the outcome be any different than the senate?
Amendments could be added that put it in other committees as well, which is another avenue or option to have the bill tabled. Can’t throw the towel in just yet. There’s still a lot of bad about the amended version that passed out of Senate.

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