Caribou Gear Tarp

San Rafael Swell ORV closures


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I heard on the news this morning that of the just over 1000miles of legal ORV trails in the Swell the BLM is closing off over 400miles of them. This area is up for monument designation, but was blocked in large part by ATV org. lobbying. I find it pretty appalling that they are leaving trails open through a wilderness study area!
Closure article

Here's some additional links:
Not all ranchers are bad!
Swell article

Doesn't look like closing them will help much without enforcement.
Riding in a Wilderness Study Area

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-04-2003 12:31: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
Great articles outlining the ATV abuse problem. Let's see what the ATV defenders have to say about these articles! I suppose they'll say we need more enforcement. I'm all for it, but don't raise my taxes to pay for it. Tax the ATV drivers, put an ATV excise tax into effect (like the PR tax), charge high registration fees, make all ATV owners pay for the problems created by ATVs---maybe that way they'll do more to police themselves. The current results show they're not effectively doing anything.

Instead of only closing 40% of the trails it sounds like they should have closed 80%. The way they did it, ATV riders benefitted by opening illegal trails in the last 15 years

Thanks, 1 pointer, for the links!
Well, they better not raise my taxes to pay for other crap too. Just so my taxes are used for all those folks going into national parks and monuments that should pay a higher use fee, those groundpounders going into wilderness areas should pay a accesss fee too, not my taxes. Police, fire, schools, all that crap that I DON'T use anymore I shouldn't have to pay taxes for. I'm with you all the way on this IT. Scream it loud and clear IT, we're with you on this.
Dang Pointer,

You mean that when I draw my Utah Desert Sheep tag this year, I'm not going to be able to shoot him from my atv? I want a refund!

Good stuff.
I dont think you will get anyone here to disagree with the increased fine's or the pissed off feelings we all get when we see off roaders in closed area's.
It sound's like they left open plenty of area to ride while trying to protect other area that weren't suited for motorized travel.
Paul- I have it from a pretty good source that there are plenty of Desert Bighorns in the Swell. If you draw and need some help or a companion, just let me know!!! Good luck.

I'll take you up on that if I draw! If I draw and also win the Utah FNAWS raffle, you can have my extra tag! What would be the odds of that happening, 10 million to one?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-05-2003 16:30: Message edited by: Paul C ]</font>
That's better than 10million and one to one!!! Didn't some guy do that a couple years back in CO?
Hey Paul,
No shit, a guy here in CO won the raffle here and drew a tag the same year. It happened a couple of years ago. Of course, it was RM bighorn, not deserts. But, it can happen!

Desert Sheep, who hangs around here some but doesn't usually post, would confirm that.

If I remember right, didn't he fill both tags also? He should played the lotto!
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