Caribou Gear

Salmon article hits nail on head!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
This is a very clearsighted article!

"According to most of our political leaders, we must continue to spend millions of dollars on a highly complex and expensive "aggressive, non-breach" strategy to avoid the removal of the dams.

"Aggressive, non-breach" essentially means we must continue to reduce the salmon harvest, rely on hatchery improvements, add a vast array of expensive attachments to the dams, and somehow secure a lot of water to run through the river to aid in reducing temperatures and help fish migrate downstream................"
Yep that a good article! we need a good house cleaning in congress, way to many idiots, but on the same subject was it you who said that those wild salmon i was buying were probably died pink? anyway i just got out another package foe dinner, and it says they are "wild ketoe" salmon and i cant find anywhere on the package about die or pink additives,now doen`t get me wrong here Ithaca i agree with you on the declining salmon and i know that you have 1000 times more knowledge than i do, but if these are truly "wild ketoe" salmon [and i`m not being duped] how could they have so many that they could sell them so cheap? [unless they are a loss leader] $1.99 a lb.?
cjcj, I will tell you why salmon is so cheep. The Folks from Chile don't have any regulations. They don't have a EPA, no DEQ, no OSHA, and they have no minimum wage.
The Chileans have been called "parasites" by the Norwegians. They are dumping salmon and trout on our markets that are so far below what it costs to raise or catch, that they are bankrupting aquaculture around the world.
They are raising these fish in ocean pens, and lake pens. The crap sinks to the bottom where it will not bee seen again. They are feeding these fish questionable feed with labor that is next to slavery. Our industry is cutting prices just to move any product.
So all the jobs here in North America that have anything to do with aquaculture are going south. Just like the rest of the jobs.
Boy do I love free trade!
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