Caribou Gear

Roost question?

In Texas you cannot shoot roosting birds, but you can call them from the roost. It is best to be out of gun range an call them. If you too close they will find you and head the other way.
In Texas you cannot shoot roosting birds, but you can call them from the roost. It is best to be out of gun range an call them. If you too close they will find you and head the other way.

Yeh, you've obviously been there, done that; and so have I. I'd swear they are laughing at us w/ all those gobbles, and then they fly down and go the other way. I've even had them fly down and circle around me on both sides staying out of sight, winding up behind me w/o me ever seeing them.
200 yds from the roost is a good rule of thumb, especially in open country. You can get away w/ closer in the thick woods; but if they can see you even if it's dark, you're too close.
If you stumble onto them on the roost before daylight, it's best to back out w/o calling to them too. They will usually gobble at you if they hear you in the woods before daylight. If you are too close, back out and then call to them. If you didn't booger them, you might still have a chance. But if they've seen you...
We are aloud 3 birds a year. Either 2 in the spring and 1 in the fall or vise versa. Only toms aloud in the spring, and either sex in the fall. Where I hunt in northern Idaho the turkeys are so think there is no law against unroosting a bird. However I am not one to do this cause it takes away the fun of calling the tom in and the satisfaction of knowing that you out smarted one of the most wary animals around. Plus as metioned before. Why would anybody want to hang out under a roost tree when turkeys are taking to browns to the super bowl. Thats a big chunk and alot of spatter
Would never shoot a bird in the tree (well, except maybe an Oscillated that will disappear in the jungle) but in the fall, I will bust them wherever I find them and the set up to call one back in.

As far as ethics on turkey hunting, how ethical is it to shoot one at 65 yds with some this new BS ammo....if I can't get a bird within 40 yds or less, I congratulate him on winning that set-up, let him walk and kill him some other time, like maybe later in the same day when I head him off and go soft with the ol 3 clucks and a yelp every 20 minutes or so.
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Tom 1st time I ever Hunted Turkey 30 years ago we were floating the Potomac river listing for birds. a Tom gobbled right above me and I went to shoot it my friend who was the turkey hunter said , not to. We don't do that. OK , and that was that.

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