Red Flag Confiscation Orders

Also, for a MT protection Order - you are supposed to be sent a notice to appear. The judge will evaluate both party's comment

A temporary order can be issued prior to your appearance. It can only become permanent after the hearing.
Restraining order protects no one. It merely gets the person who violates it in trouble with the law.

Even If you consider it within someone's personal liberty to end their own life, it's important to consider that few people make a rational decision in doing so. Most are drunk, mentally unstable, and at high risk for also harming others. Murder suicide, anyone? Driving in the wrong lane at high speeds, etc.

I am libertarian-leaning. However, I also feel it is irresponsible as a citizen and a community member to sit idly by while a known threat goes and murders a bunch of children and my only prerogative is to ensure the perp gets punished.

You need a law on the books in every state allowing LE the authority to confiscate the arms of anyone who declares that they are planning violence against other people. 1st and 2nd amendment rights are not unlimited. It's high time for those who abuse the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of other Americans to be humbled and no longer hide behind the fig leaves of gun ownership and free speech.

On the other hand, when these confiscation laws are too broad and allow personal property and weapons I use to protect my family to be taken because of hearsay and other flimsy non-evidence, then I am 100% opposed, and passionately so!
It ironic to me someone can be opposed to things like red flag laws because it is a violation of civil right and due process, yet support a death penalty that clearly ends anyone’s ability to continue fighting for due process. One single execution of an innocent is too many. It astounds me we still have people sitting in prison cells for years before their guilty verdict is overturned.

Case in point
[QUOTE="ElkFever2, post: 2867676, member: 4045
On the other hand, when these confiscation laws are too broad and allow personal property and weapons I use to protect my family to be taken because of hearsay and other flimsy non-evidence, then I am 100% opposed, and passionately so!

As you and I should be. However, the proposals and the existing laws I have seen are not broad, don't give merit to hearsay and other flimsy non-evidence ... au contraire. Furthermore, they impose stiff penalties for false or flimsy evidence.