...just read Bushman's thread and not buying into it.
...100+ feet up in a tree for hunting is fuggin' nuts. I used to do that chit for the USFS and unless he doesn't have a lick of wind where he is hunting that match stick would be swaying +/- 2' off of center just sitting there...nothing like shooting your <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>500' milkjugs<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>from a moving target
Damn Oscar! It's been a while since I've been to "Hunt Talk". Why have I been gone for so long? My kids were freaking out. How come Dad is laughing so hard? My wife (newly wed) had to come in and check up on me.
Dude, you have a talent! I'd pay for that comedy routine! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long and now I'm back for good!
Can't wait till the 10th. I'll be hunting the Clearwater area! First time hunting in your state.
I think those 3 pictures I found on Google will Piss him off
Buuahahah !!!
JohnSWA, Were ya been, I was jsut asking someone the other day about you. Welcome home. Don't stay away for too long. It's hard to keep track of the slackers
Well.....Bushman can be called on Bull Shit from his choice of a White Pine being the tree in which he had a 110' tree stand. Although used by the hardy New England shipbuilders as great mast material, the White Pine normally only grows to about 80 feet tall......If the tree was 110' tall (highly, highly unlikely) the weight of a man could not be supported at that heighth.