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Plandemic Rebuttal

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
If this goes against Big Fin’s rules at all, sincere apologies. And I won’t be commenting whatsoever after this post and hopefully no one else will either. I’m only posting this because I know a lot of usually calm and rational people are being swept up in the hysteria caused by the pseudo-documentary called Plandemic. As an M.D. myself, I found this doctor’s rebuttal to be quite good. Unfortunately he will not get a fraction of the views of the original.

thanks for sharing
Interesting that his point about the recording of deaths are not being be mishandled, when the directive from Dr. Birx is to do just that.

Also interesting he says a virus cannot be forensically traced to a laboratory. These viruses must be manipulated before they are transmittable from animal to human. The 3.7 million grant that we gave to the Wuhan lab was to do just that, study the animal to human transmission pathways.

And, the he says check Snopes 🤮. I'm out, check please.
"Amazing Polly" looks into, Fauci, Event201, Foundations ...and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. Exposing the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia.

Interesting that his point about the recording of deaths are not being be mishandled, when the directive from Dr. Birx is to do just that.

Also interesting he says a virus cannot be forensically traced to a laboratory. These viruses must be manipulated before they are transmittable from animal to human. The 3.7 million grant that we gave to the Wuhan lab was to do just that, study the animal to human transmission pathways.

And, the he says check Snopes 🤮. I'm out, check please.
When someone is hospitalized with cancer and dies of heart failure would you argue that it wasn't the cancer it was a heart issue and that the persons cancer should not be taken into account as a cause of death? The old "I didn't kill him, the bullet did" arguement.

Or does it fit the narrative perfectly?

View attachment 140079

People making rebuttal videos on YouTube in response to a viral video is a part of a government plot? I am not sure how anyone can watch the "Plandemic" video and not smell the craziness pouring off of that thing. How does someone watch something like that and just nod their head in agreement without a second question? Did you even try to look up any of the obvious and easily disprovable claims they made?

"Amazing Polly" looks into, Fauci, Event201, Foundations ...and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. Exposing the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia.

We live in a odd time that we won't listen to experts because "CONSPIRACY!" but fly-by-night conspiracy theorist YouTubers are being taken as gospel... While certain people can and will make money off of any disaster, the notion that there was a worldwide plot is ridiculous. Also love the part about Fauci stating that "There will be an outbreak during the Trump Administration" as if its some admission of guilt. SERIOUSLY? Has there been a decade where we didnt have some sort of contagious disease concerns?
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When someone is hospitalized with cancer and dies of heart failure would you argue that it wasn't the cancer it was a heart issue and that the persons cancer should not be taken into account as a cause of death? The old "I didn't kill him, the bullet did" arguement.

The logic doesnt hold up. We have never listed a heart attack as a flu or cold just because the antibodies exist.

People making rebuttal videos on YouTube in response to a viral video is a part of a government plot? I am not sure how anyone can watch the "Plandemic" video and not smell the craziness pouring off of that thing. How does someone watch something like that and just nod their head in agreement without a second question? Did you even try to look up any of the obvious and easily disprovable claims they made?

Not defending the Plandemic video. Simply stating that Google or Youtube will control the narrative. And the video posted by the OP is the narrative.

We live in a odd time that we won't listen to experts because "CONSPIRACY!" but fly-by-night conspiracy theorist YouTubers are being taken as gospel... While certain people can and will make money off of any disaster, the notion that there was a worldwide plot is ridiculous. Also love the part about Fauci stating that "There will be an outbreak during the Trump Administration" as if its some admission of guilt. SERIOUSLY? Has there been a decade where we didnt have some sort of contagious disease concerns?
I want to provide you with the information and you can draw your own conclusions. How I see it, testing for antibodies postmortem and also combining that information with the symptoms the individual had while alive as well as what is found at autopsy is not an unreasonable way to count people towards the death count.

Here's the actual guidance from the CDC on reporting on Covid-19 deaths:

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We live in a odd time that we won't listen to experts because "CONSPIRACY!" but fly-by-night conspiracy theorist YouTubers are being taken as gospel... While certain people can and will make money off of any disaster, the notion that there was a worldwide plot is ridiculous. Also love the part about Fauci stating that "There will be an outbreak during the Trump Administration" as if its some admission of guilt. SERIOUSLY? Has there been a decade where we didnt have some sort of contagious disease concerns?

Which experts do you propose we listen to on the subject of covid 19? Please list the 3 people or groups you trust the most.
Also love the part about Fauci stating that "No question There will be a surprise outbreak during the Trump Administration" as if its some admission of guilt. SERIOUSLY? Has there been a decade where we didnt have some sort of contagious disease concerns?

You left off a few of important words from your paraphrase above that I have added and bolded. At least I think they are important as it relates to predicting pandemics. Not saying it is an admission of guilt but it is a pretty bold prediction.
You left off a few of important words from your paraphrase above that I have added and bolded. At least I think they are important as it relates to predicting pandemics. Not saying it is an admission of guilt but it is a pretty bold prediction.

SARS- 2003
Swine Flu- 2009/10
MERS- 2012
Ebola- 2013
Bird Flu- 2011/13/16

Was it really that much of a long shot?

Edit: To be clear as this has the looks of going off the rails. I'm not pro-eternal shutdown, pro-government overreach, or pro-fear mongering. I am however pro-common sense, and that points me towards that there is not an international global conspiracy headed by the US government involving genetically engineering and releasing a virus responsible for killing over 200,000 people worldwide in order to make money off the vaccine.
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SARS- 2003
Swine Flu- 2009/10
MERS- 2012
Ebola- 2013
Bird Flu- 2011/13/16

Was it really that much of a long shot?

Edit: To be clear as this has the looks of going off the rails. I'm not pro-eternal shutdown, pro-government overreach, or pro-fear mongering. I am however pro-common sense, and that points me towards that there is not an international global conspiracy headed by the US government involving genetically engineering and releasing a virus responsible for killing over 200,000 people worldwide in order to make money off the vaccine.
The CDC lists 4 pandemics in the last 100 years. So yes, I think it is a very long shot to say there is no question there will be one in any 4 year period.

@LWC55 .Here's a little more complete of a quote for context. It seems pretty reasonable to me that a guy who has seen all the diseases I mentioned and more would say basically "previous administrations had suprise disease outbreaks and I'd expect this one to have one too".

“The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their predecessors were faced with,”

“I thought I would bring that perspective [of my experience in five administrations] to the topic today, [which] is the issue of pandemic preparedness. And if there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience … [it] is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming [Trump] administration in the arena of infectious diseases … both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease … but also there will be a surprise outbreak, and I hope by the end my relatively short presentation you will understand why history, the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of the NAIAD, will tell the next administration that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.”
Respected TX Dr. provides his perspective.

I listened to this whole video and he certainly seems like a credible source of boots-on-the ground information and he is obviously upset with the initial handling of the virus. An absolutely reasonable opinion for a doctor such as himself to have. Unfortunately it felt like a lot of Monday morning quaterbacking using current information to criticize decisions that were made when that information was not available. I hope that he is correct when he states that his treatments have been working on his patients and that as many people can survive as possible under his care. Also hopefully that all plans and strategies move forward using the most up to date and accurate info as is available.

Edit: As a favor to our wonderful hosts who obviously arent big fans of this type of banter, I will be bowing out of the conversation. @LWC55 and @bushman13 I appreciated the back and forth and am always open to new ideas and if anyone wants to continue we can do so by PM as to not clog up the forum
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If I predict that this thread will be locked within a day based on my historical observation of similar threads will I be involved with an anti- free speech conspiracy to control Hunttalkers?
Or will I just be stating something obvious in the hope that responsible parties will amend their behavior before the predictable occurs?
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