PEAX Equipment

Pack Frame


Oct 24, 2003
I need a new pack and am wondering what is everyone using now? I don't want the most expensive or the cheapest, just something worth the money. Please also let me know where you bought it. I will be using it for hunting in Wilderness areas for deer and elk.

Go find your nearest REI and talk with their experts. They will have the widest selection in styles, fits, sizes, prices, and accessories. And they will fit you correctly, and warranty it.

There are some Hunting specific packs (Barneys, Kirfu, etc...) but they will be much more expensive, and useful for a much narrower range of activities.

There are the standard $29 "freighter frames" from Wal-Mart, Cabelas, etc... that will work, if you just want to strap on a quarter, but they are not that comfortable, and are somewhat noisy to actually hunt with.
I now use Kifaru. It's expensive but its worth it IMO.

If I were pack shopping on a budget, I'd take a good hard look at the Dwight Schuh packs. The earlier ones had too much flex in the frames to really go heavy, but I hear that has been remedied.

Prior to the Kifaru, I used a welded aluminum framed pack from CampTrails. I used it and abused it for 16 years. The pack has a lifetime warranty and they replaced the pack and frame entirely twice during the 16 years. It was noisy but very functional. I paid $120 for it a long time ago and I've gotten my $ worth. I still have it stored away in the rafters for a backup or a loaner.