Opener Strategies


Well-known member
May 30, 2017
Hi guys. I am looking for recommendations or tips for the opener this weekend in MT. I have Elk located, along with beds, rubs, trails, and several really nice wallows...but I haven't have time to pattern them. It is all in pretty thick timber also, so a spot n stalk would be difficult. Plus the ground is extremely dry and loud. I haven't heard too much talk by either bulls or cows while scouting. Curious what you guys would do? I am thinking either walk ridges and call, waiting for a response, or sit near a wallow and just wait...maybe both? Anything helps, thanks fellas.
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Set up a tree stand or ground blind at one of the really nice wallows. I've killed some nice Montana bulls sitting wallows.

Good Luck.


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Thanks guys...I am planning on setting up near the wallows. There are some bedding areas near by. I am just trying to formulate a plan that will probably be thrown out the window when I hear that first bugle!
With this hot, dry weather I would stay close to water. Be there first thing in the morning, and make sure to be there again from about 3-4pm on when they get out of their beds.

Regarding vocal elk- If you haven't heard much while scouting I wouldn't worry about it too much. It may have just been too early for them. I have had some quiet opening weekends, but other years it will be cranking on opening day. Last year on opening day I got in a screaming match with a herd bull and pulled him away from his cows (no shot though). You just never know what mood they'll be in, but it can turn on any day.
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If I waited to hear bugles I'd be like everybody else up here in this unit; waiting to hear bugles and catching a rare glimps of a bull. I prefer to "make things happen".

Friday the 25th before opener; 6+ bulls bugling, cows going nuts with all sounds and estrus buzzes, and bulls fighting. Partner bugled in a screamer last night. I quit counting this morning at 7 different bulls. Everybody else has seen few and heard fewer.
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