One more run .....


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
before my weeks holiday is over. They were calling for snow in the high country last night and into this morning. We chanced it and headed out early anyways. It's only an hour and a half from where I keep my horses to the staging area we wanted to ride from. It was excellent weather where we were so it was go time. As we got closer we could see the storm was trying to break over the last range but was hanging up. We were heading one valley in and as luck would have it the storm backed another ridge over by the time we got there. What little snow it dumped melted fast. We rode the river bottom about 6 miles back and Whitey says lets get around that ridge I think there's an old trail up the backside we can
get to the top on. We made it up the back and took a break before bailing down the front and following game trails and the sun back to the truck. Ponies did good sweating up good and dropping a couple more pounds.

I look forward to these posts, beautiful country you call home.

Are you guys pretty low snowpack this year?
Our snow pack is low this year and if it stays this warm the snow won't last long. One of the river crossings my son and I did 4 days ago was running about a foot deep. Today about 21/2 ft deep. Came up quick for April but we've had temps in the high 70's so I can see that section of river raging before long.
You make having a horse look fun. Many aren't quite able to pull that off... ;)

Dandy looking country.

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