On Golden Pond!


New member
Mar 26, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona

YES, we can an Inagural Hunttalk AZ Fishing Reunion. We just started our potato season today, so it would have to be on a Sunday if you all wanted to do something before it got too hot! (It's my only day off) :(

Anyways, it has everything. Manucured landscape, remadas, an old wood dock, grill for BBQ, fire pit, lots of trees and grass, restrooms...the whole works.

So let me know what you all want to do!

Well when do you all think you'd have a free Sunday? Let's start organizing this thing and well get Moosie to fund it (beer and food) hehe!

A week or 2????? Any ideas?

I'm open any Sunday!
Count me in for that date.
As long as its early, I start work at 3PM.
I'll bring some of the food.
What'll it be? Elk, burgers, chicken, what?
The 19th is cool.
Spud man, you have my email and phone, just let me know.

Sunday May 19th! My email is [email protected]

My number is 602-702-8648. It's a cell phone and try me in the evenings or weekends.

We'll get this coordinated and rolling. Let's see...sunrise is about 5:45am...so we could meet about 6am and fish all day. Those of you who need to leave early will be dismissed...hehe! Anyways, sounds like a plan. It'll be a good time and good fishing.
Bring whatever you want... :D :D :D