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Ohio GT



Well I made it back! The Ohio GT was a great sucess, but I'll let Paws give you the details! It was great to see Paws, Country Gal, 7th group, Todd B, Lance, and Jason again. It was also great to meet Willib54, Dr.Death, Pipe, CooperheadSnake, PA Mt Man, Rotund, Lowegirl, Smitty, Brian Buttermore, and all the wives and kids of the above(sorry, but I am bad with names). To the wives of Doc, Willib54, Pipe, and Coop, I'll say it again. Good Luck Ladies! :D
Well that sounds like the GT was a success...Can't wait to hear more...
Oh it was indeed fun. I'll let Coffeeman tell you about how he and Dr. Death saved my life!! :eek: We had (near as I can figure) about 34 total visitors. I put some of the details up in the GT thread. uggest you guys read it all over on NAHC Ohio board cause I'm sure that it will be very detailed!! :D hanks Jim again, I could not have made it without you man!
P.S. My cat did get hit. He crawled in this morning. He is at the vets. He will probably survive; but will be blind in one eye. If I find out who hit him; I'll definitely be going to jail and you can bet I'll be trying to find out. Going to visit the contract representative for the drivers tomorrow and have a little heart to heart with him. :mad:
Glad to see ya made it back ok Paws! As far as saving your life, well, I don't know about that!

Sorry to hear about your cat. I hope it recovers! :D

By the way Paws, have you dried out yet? :D
I'd still like to know how Doc got you to listen, and drink the water! Doesn't really matter though, as long as it worked! :D
Areyou kidding me?? I was afraid he might shove a brass nozzle up[ my ***!! :eek:
Got to tell you about my new feet!!! They don't stink!! They are shiny on the bottoms with none of that old rough dead skin layer. Soft as Smitties; errr uhhh, voice, and feel brand new!! And I owe it all to the Ohio GT mud springs!! :D