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Of elk and injurys


New member
May 28, 2001
Jackson Wyo.
What happened to my back...

The original injury dates back to rodeo days, then, what is still considered the most spectacular face plant from about 37 foot in the air EVER on the Jackson snow cross, to the brawls , working heavy construction hunting elk and rock bucks, and general miss use of my body.

Anyway I had this dirty big bull I played with off and on for 14 days. I finnally got in where I had a shot early one morning and was at the top of one of those slides that when you look at your shoe tip your looking 700 yards to a river. Behind me was a bench I had just come thru of narly downed timber.

I was about 22 yards above this bull and he was looking straight to his cows away, and down hill, so I had to take one step left for the shot, absalutley no other way to get this bull unless it's under 10 yards in this thick schtuff, and he was not going back away from the cows either. It was shoot here or it's over.Actually it was a perfect set up. I knew if I could make the manuver over the log without getting busted I would kill this bad boy.He was so intent on his cows and had no idea were I was
I have an arrow knocked , freshly scented and painted the wind was right in my puss. This bull is so hot I am worried about him coming at me in the spot I am in, I would have no shot, I HAVE to cross this log.

I step over the log with my left and all went well, when I started my momentum foward my pant cuff on my right leg caught on a limb, only had 18 inches to stand on the knife edge game path in front of me when I get across and then put the brakes on and turn to draw. {It was the perfect shot] As I lifted my right leg (I made a calculated, quick, quite, manuver]

I felt my cuff on my right pant leg snag. Now we have roughly 213 lbs of me headed over the log minus my right foot
I knew all hell was about to break loose and there was nothing to do but ride the dawg gone thing out.So I tucked and chucked my bow, arrow and all to my left , so as not to land on the broad head.

Next thing I know I'm 60ish yards down the mountain. Right thru 30 head of elk jumping every direction. I could here the damned cows below me mewing and saw the bull slip off the rim into an old knarled up burn the gals would surley head to.

I got up and did a body check and was fine other than pissed at just blowing off a bull of a life time that I had booged several times prior and finnaly out witted the old [$&%$&} I retrieved my bow and shot a couple of stumps to check it and started down the trail after another bull I had heard when I noticed my hand and first 3 fingers going numb, then up my arm , shoulder and down my hip. But not untolrable.

Anyway I numbed it more with alcohol for a few days and decided to come in for a check, matter a fact I hunted 9 days after the injury and went on a couple of my biggest humps of the year as well as seeing that same bull 2 more times from longer distances.. I was feeling great before the injury but it has fired my Crohn's up now as well. Long story short they went thru my throat and removed a cup full of spurs from old injurys, 2 discs and they put in a cadaver bone, steel rods, a plate and screws.......

These friggin elk are gonna kill me. They say I cannot lift more than 15-20 lbs. I may have to go fill my tag rifle season, altho I'm a tad skitish about the big bore smacking me in the shoulder for a few more weeks. Anyway it makes a hell of a story but the truth is this bull will easily go 385 and I tricked him, I don't care if I ever run an arrow in another elk. It's just the time spent learning a creature so well and having time to learn his habits and his home. I live for elk, they are second only to my family and God. I took my dad in the first morning he was here. He is 74 and ears are now electric and eyes suck, up-close, anyway we saw?...heard 15 bulls that first morning. The whole season was like that, I heard more elk this year than the last 3 combined. I have been walking a few blocks over by the church and playing with the elk from Broyels hill and Harrison Fords river bottom refuge. Anyway you asked here it was lol. Sorry such a long reed I bored stiff..... Later Cody

scary story are right half of the enjoyment of the hunt is learning the animal. hey are you gonna come visit when we are up for the predation hunt next month
Thanks for the story! Sounds like a great adventure. Looking forward to seeing an elk like that someday. I can wait on the bodily abuse, but if that's what it takes...
However, Moosie tried to tell certain abuses (administered by him) are required for hunting in ID!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-21-2003 12:30: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
Cody, glad you're in the Land of the Living again

Try to make it to the Predation hunt. I'm gonig to Slip over for one day at least barring any unforseen misadventures myself

Kudos on the Awsome slak.. Well.. up untill the end
Moosie, You look me up 307-733-0879 is my home and office 307-730-0879 is my cell. If nothing more than to meet. I don't know how well you fellas know your units but I bet I can take a map and line ya right up on were to be, and when to be there. There is weather coming this weekend and rut is in full swing. Anyway I come and go at this forum as I have limited computer time. If you want to see some awsome country take a day and let me drive you around some country OFF the refuge, park and river bottom. Anyhow if I can be a help, I have a cold garage with a complete set of meat shop tools all pro grade. No I ain't gonna cut your elk but you can use the equip. I also could make storage for up to an elk and a half. AAlso my wife is the buisness director at the national muesum of wild life art, if you folks choose to make a visit I may be able to get none or reduced entrance fee. Anyway call me. Other than this youth hunt and eatin percocet I have lots of time on my hands.....Cody boogered up elk harrasment team
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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