Yeti GOBOX Collection

Nyala Drawing....brand new artwork

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I sure hope this works as I haven't posted any artwork in quite a long time. If it does work this is a drawing I created while in South Africa of a Nyala bull and cow. It sure was cool to have live reference there as well as working from photos.
Let me be the first to say...

"FUGGIN' AWSOME" MAN !!!!!!!!!

I can't even take a picture with that much detail
Thanks Moosie. Since that first drawing posted so well here's another drawing I created while over there. My drawing doesn't come close to doing justice to the actual beauty of these awesome animals. They are very close to elk in size and have that same kind of nobel way about them. You wouldn't want one to run you down with those massive horns.

As usual, your artwork is incredible. Thanks for sharing them...keep it up!

Those are amazing! I wish I had some sort of talent. Just out of curiosity, how long does it take you to do a drawing like that? Do they come fast, or does it take much longer?
I have dabbled in art all my life. I was never good and always impressed by people like you that have the talent. One word my man, BEAUTIFUL!. Great work.
Do you sell?
Was going to make a smart-aleck reply to that one but decided against it.

As usual, awesome work Big Sky!!
Thank you everyone. Salmongunner, I've never timed myself and I rarely (as in never) get to just sit down and complete a drawing start to finish. There's always a million interruptions so I really don't know how long it takes. I just start and keep after it until it's eventually finished. Might take a day or two, might take a few weeks. Some have taken nearly a year.

LoneHowl you might want to check out my website and that will answer your question.
web page
Very beutiful and impressive work, it seems that you just keep putting better and better drawings up each time you post one....
Thanks for the eye candy this morning...
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