Kenetrek Boots



Active member
Jan 4, 2020
A lot of Nutria destroying the banks on a nearby Creek/marsh and I was asked to help thin them out. I've picked off a few but haven't tried hunting them in a serious way.

I went out this morning looking to try out my new Ruger Mrk 4 with a holo sight. Scouted Nutria burrows. Found half a dozen slides from the burrow into the creek. Hoping to bag enough Nutria pelts to make the effort worthwhile, I usually figure the first of February for the better pelts on most animals.

Does anybody have any tips on hunting Nutria? I'm thinking maybe a compost pile might be productive? I can already see I'm going to need a net or hook with an extendable pole or find somebody with a retriever to help me out.

What kind of dog safe trap might work?
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I have shot them on flood tides with a .22

Lots of water seems to get them out and moving.

The Creek has been high but not flooding (yet), more likely in the Spring or early Summer. The marsh vegetation is mostly Cattails. winter dead leaves/dormant, too thick to see any movement. The Creek banks are a better bet. More a stalk and shoot type scenario, not many places they are going to show themselves in daylight. But they will feed along the banks in the day sometimes, usually at the water's edge in a nitch or in cover. They are hard to sneak up on, most have had a lot of practice surviving Fox and Hawks.
Personally, I'd use this opportunity to buy some thermal optics again, thread on a can, and do some subsonic pest control like they used to (maybe still do) in New Orleans.

I have 0 experience with nutria, but do you ever keep the skulls?
Haven't yet but I do have some Mink skulls, some really impressive chompers on a Mink. I kept the skull of one Mink trying to drown a Chicken in the Creek. Cleaned the skull on the Mink, ate the Chicken. :) Good idea, I'll try cleaning the skull on a Nutria and see what it looks like.

I've been getting a few, usually when I'm sitting for Deer down next to the Creek. From a couple of high seats, I can see into the Creek and occasionally get a shot at a Nutria. The first time I'm going to try a dedicated hunt for Nutria.

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