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Nudder One Down!!!


New member
Mar 28, 2005
Went out again this morning calling with my buddy TB. Called a young bitch in on the first set of the morning. I shot her at 40 yards, she jumped six feet in the air ran 50 yards and expired. Great fun. I will post a pick when TB gets the film developed!!
i called this one bitch up this one time man she was good she was a screamer i shot in side of her in less than 5 minutes man it was a good time yall should try it its better than sittin out there in the cold i jsut stayed in my bedroom
I don't think those types of comments are appropriate here. Ah, bullshit. Funny as hell. Good one.

Looking forward the pics B-killing. Heck, throw in your pics as well theshit.
Guys that post that stuff never have pics miller!!! I bet that his wrist is so sore that he had to have his mom type for him.....
People in the office are looking at me like i'm crazy. I couldn't help from a loud quick laugh and snort...Thanks alot B-killin.
Good going. It sure beats staying inside and ho-humming the winter away.

We got out here last weekend during a real cold snap and had a great day of calling. Lot's of shot opp's, lots of foxes and coyotes, pathetic bad shooting and only 2 dead coyotes to show for it.
I know your pain T-Bone...seems lately I'd do better if the critters all had florescent shoot & see targets stuck on em. :eek: :D
The suckers are a lot smaller than people think. Ya really have to take your time and get a good bead on the little buggers. I had to take kind of an archery approach to my shot routine, get the yardage, relax and pick a spot. I had no idea how freaking exciting it is when one comes a truckin in!!
Do ya'll just hunt them for the fun of it or do ya participate in contests locally?
I participated in a coyote calling contest in nov, dec and jan here in wyoming it is alot of fun and my cousin and I where the first all female team, we didnt do to good in november 50+ wind gusts didnt help much, and in dec we shot at about 4 with no luck(there alot smaller then you woud think) . January we got 1 and it was as exciting as hunting big game when I took him at about 200 yards. I look forward to this years hunt now that we have a little experiece and have learned alot more on calling and been scouting a bit more and have found a few "sweet spots".
This season it has all been for the fun. I definately have some interest in getting in a contest though. I have a long way to go before I could do well. I am just getting to where I have confidence in every settep. It is wierd, ya call 6 or 7 sets with no action and ya start thinking that you are doing something wrong and then the next two sets there are dogs all over. It is a blast.. I agree with the big game comment, when it finally all comes together it is pretty damn exciting.
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