Nocturnal bears....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I had a Question Emailed to me about Nocturnal bears. How do you guys that bait get them to come in during the day ?

I know there are many tricks to doing it. The first is if you can check it daily to put a radio out so it keeps them off at night and another is to get a Timer on the site, see when they come in and set a wind up alarm to go off at that time. I’ve heard others scooping other Bear poop from another site.

Just wondering what you bear hunters do to break the Nocturnal habits of bears ?
I sent this email. I can hear the bear just over the edge of the ridge, about 60 yards, for about 2 hours a night and it just paces back and forth but won't come in. It is to thick to see it or to sneek up on it unless I walk straight at it, and I dont know if I could do that without getting winded or spooking it.
DoubleD is this a new bait site? I have found on my bait sites most bears come in at night for a couple weeks then when more bears start hitting the bait they have to change there habits and get in earlier. If you get more bears coming in then they will start hitting it during the day.
Moosie brought up some good tips.
I set this site up around April 20th, and so far I have hauled in about 200 pounds of food. I did see a sow and a cub but the were on a bee line across the ridge. She wanted her cub out of the area, but thats all I have seen.
DD, as you know, I have a similar type adult boar at my site. He came in the other night just after shooting time (9:35) and set off the camera until 1:00am without touching the food...just sniffing. Then a yearling came in at 1:15, ate, trashed my site, and left. Then at 5:30 the boar came back and deceided it was safe to eat. Talk about wary.
Then tonight the yearling came in with about 10 minutes of shooting light, and walked right under my stand, stopped, turned and ran away. So, guess who was standing in plain sight out in front of me, the wary boar. At thirty five yards, with no bow shot, I thought he's messed up now, I thought "come over and even sniff that bait and you're mine". Well, he takes a couple of steps, stops and pumps his jaw a couple of times sucking every partical of scent he can, up his nose. Then he turns and walks off...seemingly to know, the area just isn't safe as it is at 5:30 in the morning. This guy is gonna be tough to trick.

Predator least worth a try. Nothing like fresh rabbit on the least to them.

As for nocturnal bears...I think that everyone is on the right track as far as keeping them off the bait during the night...
Fairchase, He is getting close. I'm going to try and go out tonight and see what happens. I'm thinking about getting into my stand about an hour to an hour and a half earlier and see if something different will help. Good luck to you and keep me informed.

LOL 280.. I thought you were gone ?

DD, It's a Time game I'm guessing. If you keep after it you'll catch him on a Bad day. Another thought is if it's coming in but not all the Way, Move your Tree stand. We have a PAth lading to our site that the Bears Com in and out of. (Well there is 4 of them but one main one). They always Hang up 30 Yards or more out. Grant it, It's open and A guy could Blast one with a Rifle, But if I wanted one wit hthe Bow I think I wouls ahve to move the Tree stand 40 Yards away from the site...... Jsut a though .
I was thinking about that. I was up there last night and the same thing happened again, so I was doing a little scouting to see if there was another tree that I can put my stand in to try and catch him. I am going up again this weekend and I will be ablee to get up there with enough time to move my stand. Thanks for the advise.


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