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new yorks most dangerous game


New member
Jan 31, 2001
medina, new york
weighing in at 3 lbs and are around 18" inches long, these guys could do some damage to your shinns. without bears or cats, our beagles need something to chase.. if anyone hasn't had the oppertunity to go rabbit hunting with some good dogs, do it, it's a great way to spend the day with some friends, and listen to the HOUNDS......

that is me in the back to the left. we shot 108 rabbits in three days. man what a blast

elkfarmer, looks like you guys had a great trip. I love a good rabbit hunt. My dad has the beagles and we run them just about every weekend during January & Febuary. I will try to take a camera this weekend and get some pictures. We usually don't kill more than one or two rabbits a trip but, we have a blast.
Are the rabbits in the picture Hares? I always thought hares were white in the winter. Do you have any cotton tails in NY? O'well enough questions for now.

yea, them are all cotton tails in the pics. the snowshoe hares are in the northern and southern part of N.Y. thats a couple hour drive to get them. we do that a couple times a year.. but it sure is a blast.
i DONT CARE WHAT KIND OF DOGS ARE USED TO HUNT ITS STILL HOUND HUNTING!!! Great pics! Send more!!!! I never hunted rabbits with dogs but I bet its fun!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes