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Apr 2, 2015
Hello guy's, i'm new too the site and am trying to obtain some info about units 75 and 751 in colorado. A friend and I are wanting to elk/deer hunt these units this fall ( 2nd gun hunt)but have never been there.Elk Point lodge will be our base camp so we are kinda looking around that area. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can spend a few hours using Google Earth and be amazed at what you figure out from 100s or 1000s of miles from the unit. I rarely set foot in a unit I am hunting until the day before starting my hunt. Not sure where you are based, perhaps TN since vols1 handle.

I also suggest HuntinFool membership if you are preparing for a hunt in a unit new to you. They will provide a list of names of prior hunters, if there are any on file, that are members. The harder the tag is to draw then the more forthcoming those hunters will be since they are unlikely to be hunting again there anytime soon.

Good luck.
Welcome to HT! Look forward to the story and pics of your hunt in Colorado! Google and DOW biologists/wardens are your friend. :)
Pound some ground if vacation time permits or if close enough... days off are days closer to elk / deer than chancing a shot in the dark on the time set to hunt. :)
Thanks for the replys. Unfortuantly I live in Tennesse so prior scouting is out. We do plan on getting there a few days early to scout. Maps and Google earth will be my friends from now until time to hunt.

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