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New member from Oregon


New member
Sep 2, 2019
Hello everyone! My name is Mark Hay and I am 38 years old and i live in Coburg Oregon. I have three kids and a beautiful wife. Little girl age 6, son age 9 and another son age 13. My two oldest are really into hunting as well which is awesome! My wife and I are avid hunters here in Oregon as well as starting to venture to other states. I drew an extremely coveted Elk tag here in Oregon but had to turn it back in as I had a major life altering injury in early August which has left me learning how to walk all over again. But I am absolutely determined to get back out there!!! I did draw a Montana General season deer tag which I am very hopeful I can go on! Time will tell.

Have a great day!
Welcome aboard Mark. That’s too bad about the elk tag but it sounds like you have a positive attitude. Good luck on your recovery and your Montana deer hunt.
Thanks for the nice words! It will be a long road to recovery no question about that. However, I have always put a positive spin on life and am not afraid to work hard. That won't change. I'll get there.

The good news is the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife gave me back my application and reinstated my 19 preference points. So I will be back Elk hunting as soon as my body allows.

See ya!
Welcome. Sorry to hear about your injury. You sound like someone who will battle back to full health. That elk hunt awaits.
Best of luck with the recovery. Give a holler when you pull that tag again. I live near the "big 3" of Oregon elk hunting.
Welcome man. Sorry about the injury and missing out on this year’s elk hunt, but like other have said it sounds like you’ve got a good attitude about it. I hope you pull it again next year and get to hunt out in Montana this year.
Welcome and Great into, except the part about your injury. O. That I hope you have a speedy recovery. " Endeavor to Preservere "
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