PEAX Equipment

New information on Bullwhacker access


New member
Jun 28, 2016
Anyone out there have any new information on access to the Bullwhacker in Montana? I've been doing my homework from every which way and just can't seem to find anything useful on this topic. Access is currently not being allowed by the Wilks brothers again because of the land swap chaos. Does anyone out there have any good info on how to gain access to good areas in the Bullwhacker? I know you can fly in there, but just not sure on the who,what,when,and where. I have a 690-21 archery tag this year and could use any helpful ideas,info, or contacts. I am a true do it yourself kind of guy that hunts hard for bulls each year on an otc tag...this almost seems out of my league with the land owners and competition with lots of money. Any help is appreciated.

Wow, 690-21 isn't the easiest permit to draw! I am not over familiar with the bullwhacker area, but that would not be top on my list of places to look for a big bull. They are around, but if I were you I would talk to one of the few landowners that aren't already outfitted. Barbers, Crowleys, or the big BMA on Cowens. There are so few permits, that access is often easier than a guy thinks. I have a lot of friends from that area if you want me to try and help you any more. Good luck!
That's good info Stkbow. It's kind of what I am growing to learn about the area. I do have calls into most of the big ranches down there and have met with some of them as well. The only reason that I am looking at some of the public land, is that Crowley has the tag and some of the other ranches have people in front of us. Figured it wouldn't hurt to have some public areas that I can fall back on when I have days with no permission. From what I've heard there are some pockets in the public area that shouldn't necessarily be overlooked. I'd like to try and figure out just where I should concentrate some of my scouting effort on...and or and good access points that put a guy close to pockets of elk. I appreciate your feedback and would gladly take any input from your friends point of view as well. Hope you have a great season!

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