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New day


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Looked at the thermo this morning at 0530 and it was showing 45.
Not to bad for a mid-January day in South Western Montana.... :)
Boy Craig...
An 83 degree jump in just a couple day's...
You could be growing tomatoes now...
Get them planted soon.... ;) :D
Went up to our cabin over the weekend (about 50 minutes from town) and still had to snowshoe in but its melting fast. First night was 15 degrees but by Monday the temps overnight were mid 30's.

...still had to shovel too much friggin snow for an old guy :mad:



the kids were having fun though doing the "snow angel" thing...

ive been in washington over a week now and weather has gone from cant put on enough clothes to short sleeve weather.i dont know what the temps have been but its been a big spread
Today's hi was 70 in Tacoma/Fife area. When I left for school at 7:00 it was 56. Last week we were barely hitting 40, with over night lows in the teens and 20's. This is the weather tnctcb is talking about.
Washington: if you dont like the weather, wait five minutes, it will change!

LOL Bill... :)
I just got off the phone with an operator that lives in Utah, not far from you, you could jump in your truck and go make some quick cash, you may have to sleep in your truck for a couple day's, but the $$$ may be worth it. Buy then again, it is getting a little late in the game by now to jump on the band wagon... :)
One thing comes to mind right now....."We're havin' a heat wave, Heat wave..." and so on.
I just love Washington. Yesterday the bottom part of out field was flooded a little bit, today it look bone dry. Now I know what the www stands for on the internet....Weird Washington Weather...LOL
Quick Draw
Bill might be jealous of the pics...but I doubt of the weather around here LOL!
Balmy summer of 115-118 degrees (course thats arhery season :rolleyes: ) followed by what you see in the pictures just above the valley floor.

...but if the weather was nicer all the SoCal'rs would move this way :eek: :eek:
We had 48.9 last night before I hit the sack...
Montana usually alway's seems to get warm and melted this time of year. I think it is to tease the new people into believing that winter is almost over.... :eek: :D
I remember fishing the 'root years ago with my F-in-law. We were down below where my in-laws family originally homesteaded (kinda by the Rocky Knob south of Darby) and some out o staters were building their house.

My F-in-law looked over and says "Thats the thing about building in the middle of summer when you don't know the area...that spot (he says pointing to there newly done foundation) doens't seen the angle of the sun for 4-5 months out of the year ;) |oo

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