ND Winter


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Stillwater, PA
How was the winter been in North Dakota? I am looking into a Grasslands trip for mullies this season and wondering how the winter has been and if there has been any affects of deep snow on the herds.
Deep snow. Very cold temps.
But we did have tons of grass and bush growth this year so there is more food than normal out there. But its our 3rd hard winter in a row.

It has been nothing short of brutal. Lots of snow and prolonged below zero temps. This is also the third tough winter in a row. I forsee a second year without an antelope season.

I think the level of winterkill (deer, antelope, upland birds) will depend on the weather during the next six weeks. They are very stressed now and some ugly weather could be too much.

It's not all gloom and doom though. Last winter was also tough and I thought it would negatively affect antler growth. I was wrong. I saw a lot of nice deer last fall. I also saw some bruisers in December that made it through the rifle season.

Here are the results of the 2010 fall mule deer survey:

November 1, 2010
Fall Mule Deer Survey Completed

Aerial observations during the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s fall mule deer survey indicated production was similar to last year.

Bruce Stillings, big game biologist in Dickinson, said observers who accompanied pilots in fixed-wing planes counted 1,613 (1,528 in 2009) mule deer in the October demographic survey. While the buck-to-doe ratio of 0.45 (0.54 in 2009) was similar to the long-term average of 0.43 bucks per doe, the fawn-to-doe ratio of 0.72 (0.74 in 2009) equaled the lowest on record, and was well below the long-term average of 0.94 fawns per doe. This year’s fawn production was the same as in 1997, following one of the worst winters on record.

The fall aerial survey, conducted specifically to study demographics, covers 24 study areas and 306 square miles in western North Dakota. Biologists survey the same study areas in the spring of each year to determine a population index.

I hope that helps.
I agree with Buschy, it has been a terrible winter here so far, even for ND. In the newspaper, it said that through December, we had gotten about 4 feet of snow. It also said the average temperature for December was 9 degrees.
Somehow though the wildlife seems to make it through ok. I also thought that last years winter would have killed a lot of wildlife but the populations were actually pretty decent this past year.

Like Buschy said, we need to avoid the major spring storms, otherwise it will be a much tougher year this year.
I feel for you guys out there i hunted in NW SD in fall of 09 and it was bad from winter kill then I cant even imagine how its gonna be after the last two winters after that.
Good Luck out there guys
Thanks for the info.
I might try to bring this back to the top in a few week for an update from you guys. I need to have my application in by March 1 so I have to make up my mind quickly. Do you think it is still worthwile for a trip from Pennsylvania?
A trip to the backyard is worth every ounce of effort. We have guys that come from Indiana to bowhunt Mulies every year. I think they've harvested one, maybe two in the last 11 years. It's a Father/brother/son trip each year for them and as soon as they hit the road for home, they are already looking forward to next seasons trip. With the amount of cover in the Badlands, and the amount of public acres, I wouldn't be too concerned about winter kill. The springs are open and roughage is abundant.

Best of luck!
i was there this year in the NW and saw plenty of game. I heard that the winters had been hard in the recent years but didnt reflect the numbers from what i could tell.
i was there this year in the NW and saw plenty of game. I heard that the winters had been hard in the recent years but didnt reflect the numbers from what i could tell.

yea but ur from Idaho, you don't see any game here anyway...;).. the populations are way down in the NE Montana and NW North Dakota, only if you could have been there in the glory years... 93'-94' or 03' or 07' was pretty good too, grew up there and there is not even close too the amount that used too be there both big game and upland....:W:
SW Badlands are in very tough shape right now, if there are any spring storms what is left of the older age class bucks will be gone. Where I hunt the muleys numbers are down 50 to 60 % going into winter. Only time will tell what will be left by the end on May.
3 back to back hard winters take a toll on the deer.
There will always be some deer left, but how much fun is it having 20 hunters chasing the one nice buck left in a township(36 sections).
Down around Marmarth deer numbers are down close to 90%. I would stay north of I94.
Good Luck
No, Had 6 inches of snow in central ND on friday and then snowed off and on all weekend, another storm moving in tonight, forecasting 10 inches or better for SW ND, very depressing!
It's like mother nature has us around the neck and just keeps squeezing until we quit kicking. Enough already. This is getting friggin' old!
Yea this winter has just been brutal. Just read in the paper that Minot (north central part of state) broke the all time snow record at over 80 inches, with more coming tomorrow. Got a lot of exercise shoveling snow this year...
Wow, ANOTHER blizzard coming tomorrow. The forecast for the central part of the state is for moderate to possibly heavy wet snow, 1/4 mile visibility, and winds gusting close to 60 mph. It's like Mother Nature wants to send us one more blizzard just to make sure that every living creature dies this winter.
Just got home from my turkey hunt in northwest South Dakota last night.I killed my last bird yesterday morning and just got it plucked before the $hit hit.Drove up to Bowman from Buffalo in a wretched blizzard and cleared the storm by Baker.That corner of the Dakotas is a terrible location for spring storms,I'm thinking 8 out of the last 10 years I have been trying to hunt there during BAD winter storms.Has me wondering why i chance it,but then I get my turkeys every year.:hump:
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