My fellow Resident Sportsmen of Montana, please read LTE.

Of all the elections on the Montana ballot this year, this is the one that scares me the most.
Me too ... and at so many levels, regarding so many issues. Recognized as a successful businessman, yet with ideology and philosophy about as far from what I consider Montana traditional universal values as a Montana gubernatorial candidate could get!
Cooney was Secretary of State when Tony Schoonen, the Jacks & so many others stood up to get us access to State Trust Lands. Cooney helped lead that increase in access from his perch on the Land Board. We tend to forget that we've only had access to those trust sections for 25 years or so. That access can be taken away, reduced and strangled. With programs like Habitat Montana under control of Gianforte, we'd no longer have the ability to get strategic purchases of private land to open landlocked public, no more big acquisitions like the Big Snowy WMA proposal, etc. Gianforte has run the same sportsman's campaign as last time - FWP is evil and we need to give it over to the outfitters & landowners.

I'm all for having equal stakes at the game for all interested parties, but the people GIanforte is paling around with, Chuck Denowh (UPOM), Juras (Galt family & anti-stream access litigator) and Paul Ellis, means that he's not for the resident hunter or angler, but for the guys who can offer exclusive access to paying clients while the rest of us schlubs get to clean up their mess.

FWP has a lot of issues, but putting Greg Gianforte in charge is the worse thing we could do.

Mike Cooney is a decent, hardworking man who has spent his career increasing access to public lands, and championing our stream access laws.
Gianforte (and Daines) are both extremely dangerous options for hunters and anglers in Montana. Just follow the money.....

A few examples from the article:

- In collaboration with Steve Daines, Gianforte introduced legislation to strip protections from 700,000 acres of public land in Montana. The measure failed, but according to the Missoulian, it would have been “the single biggest rollback of protected public lands in Montana history.”
- Gianforte has since voted against conservation and environmental protections on 85 of 88 occasions, netting him a 5 percent lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters.
- While serving in Congress, Gianforte expressed support for William Perry Pendley’s tenure as acting director of the Bureau of Land Management.

I am really sick and tired of our public lands and waterways being tossed around and put at risk so the wealthiest few get their way and lock the rest of us out.
So happy to see folks doing research rather than just listening to the NRA or following party lines. So far this thread has been spot on IMO
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While you guys are the rational ones, my windshield view of MT driving through a couple of weeks ago sure seemed like Maryland Matt Jersey Greg for the win.

Edit, my bad, I too confused which out of town GOP-er was running to what.
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That eastern land developer running again? Was it New Jersey or Maryland or both?. I got a kick out of his last election ads riding a horse looking after his "ranch" ... holding the reins two handed up around his chin. Yeah, pretty scary to think that is the direction Montana GOP is going.

Oops, my bad. Wrong nonresident transplant shake-and-bake "Montanan" politician. This guy is the journalist sumo slammer. Another dud. GOP is really digging the bottom of the barrel. Hey, it's all about the money with them.
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I'm all for Cooney versus the big G, though to try and toss Diane's in the mix smells of partisan snipping.

While Republican Daines may not be Democrats valued desire while facing off with Democrat Bullock, Daines is FAR from a Jersey G.

Pick your battles and gain your scores for those whom may attract independent voters (especially conservative leaning) towards the Democrat Governor candidate.

On separate merits, Daines v Bullock for public land may ring a check for Bullock. Though lumping G with D can turn an adverse view towards the goal...

Basically, is there a single MT Democrat that has a remote intent to vote for Daines over Bullock? Not from my view. Thus, no need to preach to a Democrat choir. You have your votes from the D side.

Your focus is/should be on Independent voters and soft Republicans.

Respect your opinion though think your strategy is missing its mark.
My votes are in the book, my conscience clear. I do think Gianforte will be our next governor:(.

That's just my sense.

I also think Rosendale squeaks by Willaims.

I think Bullock squeaks by Daines. Bullock is the most talented politician in Montana, imo.

I think that with a GOP controlled legislature and Gianforte in office,, there are going to be lots of protests in Helena. They won't matter, a lot of bad $hit will get passed.
My votes are in the book, my conscience clear. I do think Gianforte will be our next governor:(.

That's just my sense.

I also think Rosendale squeaks by Willaims.

I think Bullock squeaks by Daines. Bullock is the most talented politician in Montana, imo.

I think that with a GOP controlled legislature and Gianforte in office,, there are going to be lots of protests in Helena. They won't matter, a lot of bad $hit will get passed.
Agreed, just look at all the atrocious bills Bullock Vetoed in the last 8 years...... those shitty bills will all become law if Giantforehead wins.
I'm all for Cooney versus the big G, though to try and toss Diane's in the mix smells of partisan snipping.

While Republican Daines may not be Democrats valued desire while facing off with Democrat Bullock, Daines is FAR from a Jersey G.

Pick your battles and gain your scores for those whom may attract independent voters (especially conservative leaning) towards the Democrat Governor candidate.

On separate merits, Daines v Bullock for public land may ring a check for Bullock. Though lumping G with D can turn an adverse view towards the goal...

Basically, is there a single MT Democrat that has a remote intent to vote for Daines over Bullock? Not from my view. Thus, no need to preach to a Democrat choir. You have your votes from the D side.

Your focus is/should be on Independent voters and soft Republicans.

Respect your opinion though think your strategy is missing its mark.

I do think that pointing out Daines' decisions and flip-flopping has worth with Independents and middle of the road Republicans in Montana. Basically, Daines/Gianforte are being pressed to choose between their values as so-called conservationists and their loyalties to the White House.
And, we see yet again, when Daines — one of the more vulnerable incumbents up for reelection — said late last November he would vote to confirm Pendley if nominated by Trump, he was worried about toeing the line, not fighting for public lands and questioning if Pendley was the right person for the job. He didn't dig in and point out Pendley's desire to sell off public lands, mocking climate science, etc. which was well known before and during any confirmation chatter by the White House. That does not appear to be without question a "pro public lands" stance Daines could have (should have?) taken from the start.
R or D, if conservation and public lands for all is important, it may cause some to reconsider. But who knows anymore....

We will see how this all shakes out very soon.
It looks like he is into this race for over $7 million. I think he has spent about $5 million per race, not including the shameless $8 million donation to MSU to have a building named after him right before he announced his first campaign for governor.

In case you don't know Gianforte, this is the type of non-science he supports.
Thank you for sharing this!

Next time your driving through Glendive, don’t be fooled by the dinosaur breaking through the brick wall of the “dinosaur” should really be Jesus breaking through the wall. I find it hilarious that they have to trick people in the door, only to try to persuade them in to believing that the earth is only 2,000 years old, that men walked along dinosaurs, that evolution is a lie, and that “God” created the Grand Canyon EXACTLY the way it is right now 2,000 years ago.

I made the mistake of giving them my money ONCE, I won’t be back.

Unfortunately this is where the children of Glendive get their education in science, and what Giantforehead believes.....very sad.
Thank you for sharing this!

Next time your driving through Glendive, don’t be fooled by the dinosaur breaking through the brick wall of the “dinosaur” should really be Jesus breaking through the wall. I find it hilarious that they have to trick people in the door, only to try to persuade them in to believing that the earth is only 2,000 years old, that men walked along dinosaurs, that evolution is a lie, and that “God” created the Grand Canyon EXACTLY the way it is right now 2,000 years ago.

I made the mistake of giving them my money ONCE, I won’t be back.

Unfortunately this is where the children of Glendive get their education in science, and what Giantforehead believes.....very sad.

Uh, excuse me, they are not dinosaurs....those are "Jesus Ponies." Gotta run. I'm late for a Flat Earther Meeting. Greg's bringing coffee and donuts!
Uh, excuse me, they are not dinosaurs....those are "Jesus Ponies." Gotta run. I'm late for a Flat Earther Meeting. Greg's bringing coffee and donuts!
Allegedly this is a real diorama at the site. A few years ago he was asked about evolution and this kind of stuff etc and dodged the question.

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