MT Non-Res Alternative


Active member
Nov 20, 2013
I applied for Montana's General Deer Combo and was unsuccessful in the draw. What I've read, there is a total of 4,600 tags for non residents and about 5,600 people applied this year. First time in six years since there has been more applicants than tags. To get to my question, I've entered in the alternative drawing and have been placed in the 80s, while a buddy of mine was placed in 530th place... which I'm assuming he will most likely not get a tag. I'm assuming my position is fairly good but wondering if anyone has any insight into how many tags usually get returned each year.... any information will be helpful, thanks in advance!
In the past, it was about 5-7% of big game combos that where returned. Not sure on deer, and also not sure what the return policy is these days. Used to be 80% of purchase price. I think they may have lowered the refund %, but haven't looked to verify.
I picked one up in that same position several years ago. But that was also when tags where just over $300. If a guy returns one now he looses a chunk of change so who knows? I would think you have a good shot.
Yeh 5600 applied , but I'd like to see a break down . Obviously not enough applied for elk combo cuz they just sold out yesterday . I'd say the highest demand was for the deer combo . Then big game combo . If you want to up your chances for a NR combo next year buy a pref point today .
I would also say that you can pick up a whitetail B tag if you're ok with just hunting a doe. Otherwise I'd say buy a preference point for next year and hope for the best.
Or if other states are an option you might still be able to get a Wyoming tag or Idaho.
I got number 750 something zero chance I will get a tag. Idaho or region a wyoming is your only shot now I think besides nebraska OTC. Good luck. Not many left in wyoming region A also not sure on the deer heard or access in that area, doesn't sound great. Thought hard about nebraska but heard the rifle season is crowded again I don't know if they really have an idea of what crowded is compared to wi rifle season.
My wife sent back her tag in July- somebody ended up with it. With the drought, I'm guessing there may be more people turning in tags.

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