More public land advocates - trail running.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Thought this was an interesting article on keeping public land public.

I think it is very good to see "non consumptive" users really starting to get on the public land advocate bandwagon although I'm a little worried that many of them seem to think they are leading the parade instead of getting in line behind the hunting community that has been rallying pretty hard for the public land cause for quite some time now.

I am sure hoping this truly does end up being something that continues to gather momentum and steam roll right over the land grabbers.
P.S. - Some of these groups are pretty far out there on the left side of the political spectrum. Just a mouse click away from the wilderness society that seems just a few clicks away from some pretty extreme environmental organizations.

Not saying that I agree with 100% of their agenda or anything, but they are no doubt an ally on the public land issue.
Thought this was an interesting article on keeping public land public.

I think it is very good to see "non consumptive" users really starting to get on the public land advocate bandwagon although I'm a little worried that many of them seem to think they are leading the parade instead of getting in line behind the hunting community that has been rallying pretty hard for the public land cause for quite some time now.

I am sure hoping this truly does end up being something that continues to gather momentum and steam roll right over the land grabbers.

The hunting community has not been leading anything on the public land advocacy. To this day, it is hard to convince hunters that there is value to land that doesn't have something to shoot.

The hunting community has been very late to the bandwagon. I can only think of one major effort by hunters in Idaho on Public Land Advocacy, and and that was the Sheep Guys joining the environmental groups to stop the bombing range that was going to be Owyhee County.
I recently became aware of a hiking and trails organization here in PA

In PA there is a big push from the hunting community to allow Sunday hunting(which is currently outlawed) but this group adamantly opposes overturning the ban. In reading some of their leaderships blog posts I would consider some of their views to be anti-hunting because they seem to advocate that hunting is dangerous to hikers.

I fired off an email to their director recently telling him that as a hiker myself I agree with the work of their organization, but cannot support their group due to their feelings about hunting.

I know this has nothing really to do with public lands, but IMO you have to be careful with some of these outdoor groups because I think some of them would gladly see hunting outlawed although they may not express it outright.
Well everyone needs to show up to the party when it comes time. Doesn't mean we have to give money to them or join their particular group.
It doesn't matter if we're leading the charge or not. Agree to disagree on other matters. Stand together on Public Lands.
As a runner I'm glad to see the organization starting. I'd much rather be arguing about tree hugging vs Teddy Roosevelt conservation while standing on our public land than crying about who was right from outside a private owners fence.

We'll see where they go but they have my support.

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