Montana Vacation Pics


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Thought I would throw up a few pictures from my trip up to Southwest Montana last week.

LOTS of snow still up there!

My big day hike was up to Elbow Lake and back. It's 8 miles each way and this time the last mile or so was through snow. Got to the lake and it was still frozen over.


Here's a link to the full sized picture if you want to click on it -

Looks quite a bit different from when I made the same hike the first of August last year.


Another panoramic view from the peak right above the Bible camp where we had our family reunion.


Link to full sized picture -

Actually found a couple sheds on one of my hikes.


Another neat panoramic picture that I took on one of the ATV trails near the camp.


Link to full sized picture -

If you look at the full sized picture you can see some white that looks like snow on the ridge in the middle of the picture, it was actually flowers. It was as green as I ever remember it being up there this year. Saw lots of deer and elk and almost all of them had calves and fawns with them.

Let several family members borrow the ATV's I brought up with me and ended up having to do a rescue mission on one of them. Both the machine and operator suffered only minor injuries. I'm going to have to start making folks take a proficiency test or something before I let them ride them or something.

Pictures never show the true slope of things. This was so steep that the ATV's rear tires were actually off the ground while we were winching it up to the top.


Did get a chance to do a TINY bit of glassing in my area that I'll be hunting mountain goats in Wyoming on the way home, but didn't see any in the 30 minutes or so that I spent behind the glass. Forgot to take a picture of the spot where I was glassing, but did take this picture as we crossed the bridge over sunlight canyon.


If you are terribly bored or actually interested in more pictures here's some links to more of them. (Hiking pictures - new ones start on page 9 and go to page 10) (ATV ride and rescue pictures)

Was a beautiful trip. It snowed in the mountains above camp 2 of the days we were there and it was 95 when we got home Sunday. Thankfully I'll be headed back up there in just over a month.

Awesome pictures!! Looks like a great time. What are you using for the panoramic shots? iPhone?
Love the pics Npaden love those two states wish I could transfer out sure would be a big move though!
Yeah, I think all those pictures were just taken with my iPhone. I have a nice Nikon DSLR but I never end up hauling it with me. I wish I had it with me for a few of these though.
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