Montana HD 270

But you never responded on where I need to buy my ranch, so I can make you even more salty.
Buy this one so you can hang out with Costner while your elk hunting 270.🙂
Buy this one so you can hang out with Costner while your elk hunting 270.🙂
I'd hang out with Kelly Reilly instead. mtmuley
I used to mess around in the Bitterroots a bit and can say that those mountains are a bold choice for someone’s first Montana hunting experience.
Seems like its some pretty rugged terrain. Should be an interesting trip to say the least!

Where are you stomping grounds?
I hunted there a couple years ago on advice from a 'friend'. It's hard to get away from the roads and the elk are either on private or at least 2 miles from a road. I won't go back but if I had to I would hunt low on the edges of private. Saw a lot of black bears but no grizzly or wolves.
I hunted there a couple years ago on advice from a 'friend'. It's hard to get away from the roads and the elk are either on private or at least 2 miles from a road. I won't go back but if I had to I would hunt low on the edges of private. Saw a lot of black bears but no grizzly or wolves.
I’m not afraid to get two miles from the road. But it would stink to do that hike and find the elk are sitting in private.
The grizzly and wolf sitings seem to be hit or miss. Some people say there’s a bunch some people say they have never seen them.
I’m not afraid to get two miles from the road. But it would stink to do that hike and find the elk are sitting in private.
The grizzly and wolf sitings seem to be hit or miss. Some people say there’s a bunch some people say they have never seen them.
It's not fear, it's that there is very little land that isn't less than 2 mi from a road! LOL
Some people say there’s a bunch some people say they have never seen them.
And both can be true, doesn't take many bears or wolves to be a bunch, and most will never see them. Never been in that district but my general experience with western MT and elk in general is expect lots of 2 plus mile hikes with no elk, otherwise everyone would kill one the first day.
I’m not afraid to get two miles from the road. But it would stink to do that hike and find the elk are sitting in private

I read back through your old posts and couldn't find the answer but is this your first western hunt?

If so you need to get over your fear of going back in 2miles + and finding out elk are on private or not there at all. A lot of elk hunting is finding elk and being ok with putting on several miles for several days and not seeing our hearing an animal. Took me 7 years to figure this out and look at it as well i know where they aren't (on that day atleast).

I saw you are from MD if this is your first western trip, you will learn pretty quickly why people say 2+ miles in to get away from people and why people don't really do that (off trail atleast). I hope you guys have a great time and enjoy the hunt.
Since most of this pissing contest is irrelevant, here is my two bits. In 1979 I reconned a lot of the border country between 270 and 211 out of the Frog pond basin country. At that time there was sign of a lot of old camps, some small meadows, heavy cover and a lot of marshy basins.

It looked like a target area for bow season and the first week or two of rifle. I got stories of local pressure from the locals and Anaconda. We flew out of Sula every day for two months and I don't remember ever seeing any herds to speak of.

I returned to that country for work in mid summer about the later 90s. We were more in 211 but near the border. Sign indicated elk scattered throughout the area but no significant concentration.

I like the country but there was nothing there to pull me back.
ok, fess up. Which one of my friends took you to my stump. I've sat on that very stump for decades. It's my stump. Damn newbies.
I heard there’s going to be lottery only usage permits for the stump next year. This increased popularity is really diminishing the resource.

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