Montana big 3 drawing today?

well I was way off. I figured they wouldn't start until mid-week. If my memory is working this morning, it looks like I gained points across the board but I've been wrong plenty of times before so I'll wait until the official "Not Successful" is posted.
So far only my moose points have gone up. Sadly this is the season I do not want a sheep, moose or goat tag. I think my head would explode if I drew anything more. I know what a bad situation to be in!
Had that 622 Ewe tag last year. You'll have a lot of fun, let me know if you have any questions.

Another point for moose, still waiting on goat.....and, no goat.
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No sheep tag waiting on goat tag now!

And now no goat tag well that stinks oh well maybe next year. lol
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Congratulations Dan! you should have some good intel on that unit.
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