Montana 323


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2015
Drew my 323 goat tag. Don't know much about the area. Anyone have any info?
I was in a similar situation last year, and all I can tell you is to scout, scout, scout. The best part about a goat tag, in my opinion, is the summer leading up to the hunt, climbing peaks and looking at short haired goats.

I don't know that unit, but I've heard good things about it in the past. If you take a couple weekends and bag a couple of those highest peaks with your spotting scope, I bet you'll quickly have a long list of drainages that hold goats. Goats are incredibly easy to glass for, and live in pretty predictable places.

Make the most of it and have fun.
Awesome. That's good to hear. I've been on a couple goat hunts in the crazies so I at least have an idea of what to expect. Now I have a good excuse to check out some new country.
Congrats on the great goat tag. I've never been lucky enough to draw, but I've hunted that district a bunch and spent a lot of time in the backcountry in that neck of the woods. (I grew up near Gardiner and graduated from GHS in '96). One thing I'd do is resist the temptation to wait around very long. It seems like every year tags go unfilled in 323 because guys get snowed out.

If you want any additional information, shoot me a PM. Again... congrats!
Congrats on drawing the tag! Good luck and can't wait to see some pics this fall!
Finally made it out to do a little scouting. A couple unexpected trips and having to rebuild a deck really changed my scouting plans for the summer. It was about a 5 hour drive to the trailhead so we didn't exactly get an early start but managed to put on 9 miles. Ended up seeing 7 goats in the short trip but none were in the drainage we were in. Hopefully I'll be within archery range of a billy in a couple weeks


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Nice pics. I am hunting an adjacent unit. I am not gonna wait and I have a Billy I am targeting tomorrow. If I don't kill him I will be packing in this weekend for a 5 day hunt in a different area closer to your unit. I have been seeing a bunch of goats over on your side. You should be able to get one. Good luck!
Well good luck on your hunt. I'm still almost as excited to chase elk so I will probably hunt them the first two weekends and then hunt goats until I'm successful. The hardest part for me has been trying to figure out when to go and who to go with. My circle of hunting buddies I would consider bringing along is pretty small and they all have their own tags to fill. Praying everyone shoots early so I have some help. I wouldn't be real excited about going alone but it wouldn't be my first backpack hunting trip by myself
Well good luck on your hunt. I'm still almost as excited to chase elk so I will probably hunt them the first two weekends and then hunt goats until I'm successful. The hardest part for me has been trying to figure out when to go and who to go with. My circle of hunting buddies I would consider bringing along is pretty small and they all have their own tags to fill. Praying everyone shoots early so I have some help. I wouldn't be real excited about going alone but it wouldn't be my first backpack hunting trip by myself

serious let me know...if anything I can be a pack mule on the way out if needed. I counted 37 in one day a few weeks ago
I was seeing over 40 goats a day this weekend split between your unit and my unit. Tons of goats. Found a bunch of nice Billy's. PM me if you want some details.
Just my opinion, but if they aren't haired up good yet I'd give them another couple of weeks.

A billy with a full coat is nothing short of amazing.
I have half the hide from a billy my buddy shot while I was with him so I'll consider that my haired up goat. I'm actually going to try and stick one with my bow so I'll be even less picky
Just a quick update. I ended up shooting on Saturday. Had a great time with family and friends. I'll post better pics and a story when I get more time.


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Congratulations. I am hunting west of you in 314 and am trying to refine my judging and even gender skills. would you be willing to share the particulars on that goat? sex, length, age?
Thank you and again congratulations.