Mill's Wilderness Adventures

Nemont, What is the deal? Did you not get your bedtime story? I was approached on this website and asked about the Outfitter that I was going hunting with. I figured if one person on this site had used the outfitter and had good things to say, Maybe someone else could provide some insight. I honestly thought that this forum was for people who enjoy hunting Western big game? So sorry to have pissed off the the Forum Police. By the way GFY!

Apprently reading and comprehension are a long lost art in today's world.

I have no "deal".

I will type slow:
My point in my first post is that there may be better places to ask a question regarding an outfitted hunt.


Oak posted that I too went on an outfitted goose hunting trip and that there was assholism going on on the forum, which in my second post I acknowldeged I had gone on a guided goose hunt in Canada and explained to Oak that I have no issue with outfitters or hunters who use them.

At no time did I say anything about you personally, go reread the thread if you don't believe me. For that you come on and call me bitter and want to share your (not you're) little blue diamond shaped pills with me. BTW thanks but I am not in need of them.

So to play along, after your suggestion saying I was bitter, (some would say that was an attack), I decided if Oak wanted to see me be assholistic I could show him a flash of it.

So to be clear, usually On Your Own sites are not the best sources to ask about outfitters. The first person to make anything personal was you. I attempted to point out that I don't care if you use an outfitter, not once did I say anything other than this is OYO.

So I guess right back at you, GFY ( your experience with those pills would come in handy in that endeavor).

Jeez I can't wait for hunting season to start.

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