Men and their dogs..


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
I was on another site I visit up here in Alberta and the subject of dogs came up. Seems one of the guys just picked up a Labradoodle and his excuse was it has a non allergenic coat and his wife could live with it even if she had allergies to dogs. Well I read this one post and laughed so hard I had to pass it on. I'm curious to know how many guys on this site fit the discription of this post.

Nice looking dog. I think it looks more like a Lab then a poodle. Well we can hope anyways. A Poodle hunting dog? Sounds ridiculous.
I am not married yet so I'm kinda shooting in the dark here but what the hell happens to you guys? I've seen men (well kinda use to be men until they were apparently neutered and bought a shitty little rat dog for $800) walking in public with furry hampsters on a leash. Hell sometimes the "dog" (and that's really using the term loosely) is actually wearing some @#%$ ridiculous coat and booties. Booties for godsake...on a dog! I just shake my head and laugh to myself. Sometimes I wonder if you could actually punt them like a football into traffic. Would the guy walking it even care or would he thank you?
Maybe I'm naive of a wife's influence but what are these guys thinking when they agree to use a mortgage payment on a 'dog'? Do they forget that these little yippy useless buggers might live for 15 years? 15 YEARS!!? That's like choosing to have a handicapped kid (no offence if someones kid is handicapped I'm just saying you certainly wouldn't choose to have why choose a handicapped dog?)

Sorry for the rant I just hate those little buggers. I can't comprehend the thought process involved when a fella agrees to it. It's like trying to comprehend the vastness of the cosmos.

I guess they could be useful hunting dogs. Just pound a stake into the middle of a field, tie the yippy little bugger to it and wait for something bigger to come and eat it.... might just have to have a slow shot one of those times
I'm a dog lover....come to think of it I'm a wife lover as well.....

My better half is level headed. The only thing that I can recall that she really forced was a new Suburban purchase after our old F150 broke down on her, a two year old and a newborn in the middle of a snowstorm in a rural area of Idaho. I wanted a minivan (more economic) but she insisted on the Suburban.

Some gals can really ride the broom to push their agenda. They have powerful tools at the ready. Some nag, some withhold, some promise crazy wild sex. All effective persuasion to degrees.

As far as dogs go. I have no use for dogs unless they are a working animal. We've had GSP's and they are part of the family and hell on the upland birds.
The first time I saw my girlfriends nasty yap dog(A Italilan Greyhound). I asked her "how long those little things live". She said "15 years". I asked how old it was. She said "8 years old". Silence. The she says " Stop doing the math to see how long he will be around".

After 3 years I still cannot bring myself to touch that nasty little thing, it gives me the piss shivers to even think about it. It is the one and only item her and I have constant tension over.

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