Maricopa County Shooting Range


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Northern Colorado
I bumped into this article on another forum and thought I'd put it up here for everyone to take a look at.

On 1,650 acres in north Phoenix is the Ben Avery Shooting Facility, a well-planned, clean, efficient and well-used collection of 35 gun and archery ranges. To some, it is a shooter's mecca, one of the finest shooting facilities in the country and a paradise that is insulated on a chunk of remaining Sonoran Desert.

To others, it is money that can be mined with new houses and an auto mall.

State taxpayers own Ben Avery, which attracts 150,000 shooters a year. The range's fate is in the hands of the five members of the Arizona Game & Fish Commission, who are appointed by the governor.
Doug this has been going on for a year plus now. It really fugging sucks.

I can see a few problems happening here. If they sell it.

1. the people who buy house's on this property will sue the GAME AND FISH dept for lead in there ground water. due to it being a shooting range.

2. if People dont have a shooting range they will go out in the desert and shoot the heck out of shit.

WIth the budget cuts the state is hitting and due to this they are looking at getting monies from the game and fish dept doesnt look good. Granted our DIKE Govenor will see this as a good source of income if sold. that way she can put the money into the welfare sports teams here in AZ.


P.S. you know where we went calling up on lake pleasant? well the house's are starting to be built on the left side of the road now. its all peoria city limits another 12 miles north.
That sucks Del. I hate to think what Arizona will be like in another 10 years. Maybe then you will be thinking of moving to a more conservative place........... like California.

There's still a lot of Arizona out there. Just like there is a lot of California out there that isn't anything like Los Angeles or the Bay Area. It is just that the metropolitan areas' population dominates the rural folks. SO it is possible that Arizona will end up as constipated as California.

As a 2nd generation (on my Mom's side - my Dad was born in Idaho) California native, I hate what my state has become. Where I used to hunt in Orange County and even parts of cities like Long Beach is all houses, strip malls and condos.