Lubbock area Dove


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
Anyone on here have anything to say about the Dove hunting in the Lubbock area? Been years since I've had a good dove shoot in Colorado and looking to head somewhere with a little more action. Can be in Lubbock in about 7 hours which is about as far as I'd like to travel
Roosevelt and curry counties in NM would have some good dove hunting on stateland that would be close to farmland I think.
Thanks, appreciate your help!

Just looking to Texas because they give me a free Super Combo license
Too hot and dry in West Texas the last few years. Also no cold fronts to push any down. Shoot the locals the first week and done
I usually have a couple good shoots a year. Real early and then the late season. New Mexico has some good spots for the cost of a $75 license. Unless you are have or are paying for private access around Lubbock, you'll have to at least pay for the $48 public access fee for Texas, so not really saving yourself much to drive that much further.
I get some decent dove hunting in most years. Right now it has been too hot and dry though. I planted some millet a little over a month ago and it hasn't even sprouted yet.

Sometimes I plant wheat by broadcast seeding it and that brings a few birds in for a while.

Sometimes I see some decent birds up in Plainview and Tulia. I've never really hunted them anywhere but my house though. Haven't been seeing many birds right now.

Farmer to the south of me has 320 acres of sorghum right now and I have a little pond but the sorghum still has a little way to go before any birds will be on it.
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