Looking for Trespass opportunities in 23 or 24 Wyoming.


New member
Apr 20, 2020
First time applying for any kind of draw hunt for me and my brother. Unfortunately something went wrong when my brother applied on our party application so I drew a 24-1 tag and he was never entered. So now he’s looking at a leftover private land tag in either unit 23 or 24. We are more than willing to pay Trespass fees as well as finder fees for the help. I know it’s a hail marry this late in the game. Thanks
Have you checked out the county GIS pages for landowner info? There are definitely ranches in the are that will let you on for a fee (some of the fees I saw posted in 23 last year were HIGH)! I'd start writing some letters and it might be worth a try to the local warden.
Have you checked out the county GIS pages for landowner info? There are definitely ranches in the are that will let you on for a fee (some of the fees I saw posted in 23 last year were HIGH)! I'd start writing some letters and it might be worth a try to the local warden.
Your asking in a place where all the hunters hang out.

Ask around in a place where all the ranchers hang out.
Quite a few adds on Craigslist Wyoming right now looking for access.
We have walk in areas and HMAs that enrolled private lands for public access. HMA info will not be out until July.
Caribou Gear

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