Looking for more information on wy elk area 25/27

Do you really feel you deserve first hand experience information with such a vague question as your first post on this forum? I ask this in all seriousness....
Also I have experience in the area more looking to chat with someone who has hunted the 25 side of the unit
It's definitely appreciated here if people participate before trying to take. Many people post for help and vaporize after receiving it. Having experience to share would make it more of a win-win. I'd also check your attitude and be humble to have a better time on the site. I'm still pretty new but I've jumped into general conversations about elk habits and states and shared info on places I'm familiar with. In return, lots of helpful info has been sent my way.
Do you really feel you deserve first hand experience information with such a vague question as your first post on this forum? I ask this in all seriousness....

And they just keep coming and can't figure out why they get posts like yours! For the OP---Please read post #6 to help you understand how sites work.
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It's definitely appreciated here if people participate before trying to take. Many people post for help and vaporize after receiving it. Having experience to share would make it more of a win-win. I'd also check your attitude and be humble to have a better time on the site. I'm still pretty new but I've jumped into general conversations about elk habits and states and shared info on places I'm familiar with. In return, lots of helpful info has been sent my way.

Don't mean to come off as having an attitude I'm very new to the site and did not expect to get a response like I did I'm very willing to share info with people and be apart of the community if welcomed
Is this not a place to ask a ? What would you like me to write ?

You should start by adding all the research you've already done on the unit and what your plan is, then maybe someone would be generous enough to answer or PM you. Your question was just way to vague so you will receive a vague answer like "the elk are where you find them"

Also, search the forum and go to threads where you think you might be of some help to others first, that always helps.
Im here for the long haul, you can quote me in a few years. Like said above, most first posters with questions like the OP's will vaporize after receiving information.

Had this happen last year. Received a PM from a member with 0 posts. Gave him some advice. Just looked at my inbox and he still has 0 posts.
Ok so here is the deal I don't plan on getting info and just disappearing. As for those that would like more info I normally hunt area 28 general tag to the north I have drew a tag in this area once before for a cow tag, this year I was lucky enough to draw a bull tag I normally hunt in the area around the east sweetwater I have also hunted up towards the head of willow creek, I've had better luck with running into elk on the east sweetwater, has any one else hunted in these two areas and came across the same thing as I have. I've also heard that some of the bigger bills that have came out of the area were up willow creek.
Why on earth would you want to start discussing specific locations/drainages on a public forum? Do you realize that this info lives for forever? Try doing some searches for people that have hunted the area and start private conversations. NOT PUBLIC ones for everyone to read. You're just going to end up with a bunch of people where you want to hunt!

BTW I have hunted those units. Sounds like you already know some places to look. Go look around. That's going to be a lot better than any info you get on here.
Yeah, I'd take down the post with specific drainages. Sorry it can be confusing to get in the flow of a hunting forum. That won't win you any points. People speak generally about units here and with specifics sometimes in personal messages.

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