Looking for more information on wy elk area 25/27

Why on earth would you want to start discussing specific locations/drainages on a public forum? Do you realize that this info lives for forever? Try doing some searches for people that have hunted the area and start private conversations. NOT PUBLIC ones for everyone to read. You're just going to end up with a bunch of people where you want to hunt!

BTW I have hunted those units. Sounds like you already know some places to look. Go look around. That's going to be a lot better than any info you get on here.

If there's a bunch of people where you want to hunt, move a drainage over, that's where the elk are going to be. Look at that, I gave you a tip and you didn't even have to ask. These posts crack me up.
You guys are cracking me up. If I had good info I’d pass it on, I’m just sorry to see your first post bust your chops so much. In all seriousness who cares. I hope someone with info helps you out. I’ve only hunted a general unit(21) out there so I’m no help. I wish you good luck this season.