Long Range Hunting

if they can do it consistently & humanely, I don't have an issue with it. I don't have a place to practice past 200, so that's my limit on the hunt. When I was in the Navy I was guaranteed money to 600, though. So if I had. place to practice, I might take the shot, too.
537 psshhhh

There's a lot of things I don't agree with, that vid being one of them. But to each there own with regard to effective range. "Hunting" isn't going to live or die on yardage, but there are plenty of bigger issues that we as hunters are shooting ourselves in the foot over. Those are the issues we should be focusing on.
It’s wonderful when other people make their limits or standards apply to others........🙄

If you think about it, we do this all the time. Murder, rape, speeding on the interstate are all limits placed on us by others. Why should this be different?

Would you be good with a guided, over the horizon, perhaps drone mounted artillery piece for mule deer, for instance? Hunting is sadly lacking in technological innovation (perhaps due to a strong "sportsman-industry lobby". That is certainly hurting hunting.
I came across a YouTube video in which a 12 year old boy shoots a bull elk at 537 yards. They call it long range hunting. I think it's good for a father to take his sons hunting, but I don't think it's good to teach kids that 500+ yard shots are ethical. Or, that getting within 500 yards of an animal constitutes/defines a hunt. For me, hunting is about close encounters

Something tells me that shot would not have been featured on Fresh Tracks
Pffttt...537 ?!?! I don't even dial at that distance with my 6.5 GoesReallyFast....
Pffttt...537 ?!?! I don't even dial at that distance with my 6.5 GoesReallyFast....
Really. It's such an efficient round that I don't even have to dial until 600 yards. And when the bullet hits the animal, it has such a high bc, it literally just dies before it hits the ground.
It was towards your sarcasm and beating a dead horse! If you dont like the round, tell your neighbor because everyone on this site has their opinion of it.

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