Caribou Gear

Kraven, how did you do


New member
Dec 17, 2000
Selah, Washington
We got two spikes opening day, i should of had one, it was about 15 minutes before light and i heard something in the coulee below me. So i sit down and wait then i see a elk skylining running over the ridge away from me, pull up my binos and its a spike then comes another spike behind him. That was one of those mornings when i wish i would of been 15 minutes late getting out of camp.
Hey Kirk good to hear that your camp got a couple legal bulls.
Not many Elk seen by us but did end up with 1 cow in camp taken by my dads buddy,down off the Newland Road.
Man there are alot of big camps on that road,and alot of elk taken in that area.
I only saw 1 Elk this year and was surprised to see that it was a Spike walking towards me on the Boxsprings road.So I kneeled on 1 knee and steadied my self for my shot.I fired and hit the bull right behind the shoulder nice shot "I thought" I saw the bull hunch up and heard the whack when he was hit.He ran down the road and up the canyon and dropped down into Rocky Prarie area and some other guy ended up getting it so I heard later.
I head out Saturday morning to fill my Doe tag by Wenatchee,on Badger Mtn.
Sorry to hear that yours got away Kraven. :(
Glad somebody got it too. ;)

Go get em Saturday bud
Man that bites!! Well I guess everything happens for a reason, maybe in a few years you will kill a bull that goes 400+!! Well when Saturday comes around you will whack a doe.
Kraven, that sucks, good luck on the doe tag, we seen lots of elk, I seen the two spikes and seen one get shot, my other cousin saw 4 spikes and hit one but got away and somebody else got it. I went out behind my house sunday in the sage and saw about 40 elk. all but about 10 were within 100-150 yards, no horns though.
Hey Kirk where abouts were you camped at??I thought that you said you normally camped in that genral area of the Jones area.Maybe we'll catch ya next year over there.That sucks that you didnt get a shot at that Spike.Well better luck next year I suppose.How did you do over Deer hunting??
were camped right on jones road, you drive by a white wall tent with campers and trailors around it, were about 50 yards where a sign says to the wenas valley hiway.
same thing happend to me for deer to, i seen a buck which i thought was a big 2pt until he turned his head and he was a 2x3, he went over the hill instead of following the 2 does and a spike so i went up after him and boom, somebody on the other side got him.