J&C Summer sausage


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Wow... I just tasted the best summer sausage, and even better I made it! After a few years of so-so results I have a winner.
I also made a mixing device I used for fresh sausage in the past and it beats doing it my hand.

Here is what I did.
12pounds lean venison cubed
1.5 pounds raw bacon pieces and ends (walmart has it in 3lb bags)
1.5 pounds pork shoulder cubed
Hi-mountain Summer seasonings, for 15LB batch
15 Japs, seeded and diced
2.5 pounds cheddar cheese curds (larger ones were diced under 1/2 inch)

mixed meat and seasonings in bucket (see video of mixer I made) through grinder 3/16 plate one time, and used mixer to put in J&C before stuffing.
I let is sit until the next day to cure before smoking. Then I fired up STAN (I named my meat smoker Stan, fitting) and smoked as the instructions in the Hi-mountain seasoning stated until 156F internal, all in all 5 hours in STAN with smoke on for 3 hours.


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid283.photobucket.com/albums/kk313/schmalts/mixer.flv">
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You used regular cheese curds (not high temp cheese)?

Right, I don't know why you need high temp cheese. Maybe if guys do not moniter internal temp they might have trouble, but at 156 there was no problem. Other thing, dont cut it up too small so they dont dissolve i guess. The Japs have a nice little snap or light crunch to them that is really nice, but my fear is after I freeze this stuff and thaw that might go away, i hope not.
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help me out... why cannot i get the video to be embedded into my post so it plays right from my post rather than opening another window to my file hosting service? Anyone?
Good lord that looks good.
I'm gonna PM you my address so you can put one of those in the mail, and I can give everyone a second opinion. ;)