It feels good to feel good again!


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
Wow, I just went through some of the worst sickness I've endured...including hangovers.

It started Wednesday night with achey joints and feeling nauseated. I stayed home from work yesterday and thought my home instant ear thermometer was broken when it read 105.5. I called the clinic to let them know I was on my way but they told me to turn around and go into the ER. They recorded my temp at 104.7 when I got there, which I could barely walk through the doors because I was so weak. It felt like every joint in my body had gotten worked over with a sledgehammer.

5 hours and 3 liters of fluid later I felt like a new man and they let me go home. All of my blood and urine labs came back normal so the doc said it was probably some sort of viral infection and now I'm not to handle my daughter for a couple of days:(

So today I'm working from home even though I feel pretty darn close to 100%.
Holy temperature Batman! :eek: Hopefully all is well and you don't pass it on to your family. There's nothing worse than feeling crappy. Get better, that's for sure.

When I got e-coli a number of years ago, I felt like throwing in the towel. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy....well, maybe my worst enemy!
Dang, Smalls. I'm under the impression that brain cells start dying after 104 degrees? Man, when you get sick you don't fool around. I'm feelin' ya, man.
When my angioedema hits every two weeks or so, it elevates my white blood cell count through the roof to the point that my temperture raises to 102, sweat pours off me and I can hardly walk. Luckly it only lasts around 12 hours.
have to have cells to Kill there Dave ;)

Yes, please don't give your Daughter a viral infection... that's not good on many levels !!!!

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